Do you live in Boston? Did you watch porn on CNN on Thanksgiving evening? It seems to be that some people in Boston had a little surprise while assuming to...
Doctor Ben Carson was presumably offered a position in the Trump administration. It seems to me that it was not the least bit too soon. The Department of Housing and...
It seems that the people who think it is alright to insult or lecture Mike Pence, have a lot to learn. The Broadway play, ‘Hamilton’ was seen by VP elect...
John Marshall High School in San Antonio, Texas held a skit where they portrayed the assassination of President Elect Donald J. Trump. No actual reprimand was required because teacher and...
The mainstream media sure want to know every step that Trump makes. The same media that puts out lies and tries to make Donald Trump look bad now wants to...
Remember earmarks? It was nicknamed ‘pork’ because it fattened the wallets of many people. It seems we have not heard the last of it. Donald Trump’s promise of ‘draining the...
While President elect Trump gets his Cabinet in order, the saga of ‘Orgy Island’ continues. Bill Clinton should have ‘frequent flyer miles’ stacked up for his now known 26 trips...
Some people are protesting in the streets. They are so upset with Trump’s win that they have to disrupt others lives. Strange. but I see it differently. These ‘Protesters’ think...
We, as Americans, have made history. There has never been another election as we have just experienced. There may never be another. Be proud to have been a part of...
Election Day is very close. Many Americans have already voted. I live in Pennsylvania, so, early voting is not an option for me. Only absentee ballots are easy to obtain....
The mainstream media makes me sick. They know the truth but are either afraid to tell the people or don’t want to tell the people. NYPD detectives and an...
Obamacare is not looking good in some states. Increases, as high as 116%, are expected to anger people. A lower number of insurers are active in most states. Many major...
The NSA seems to have Hacked the DNC, not the Russians. Judge Napolitano is reporting that Russians never handed over emails but angry agents at the NSA did. A US...
When did it all begin? You know what I’m talking about. When did the corruption get so out of control that it became a giant ‘Ponzi Scheme’? Well, my friends, ...
Who’s in charge of America? We don’t want to believe it could be President Obama but then, who is pulling his strings? We have puppets as our presidents but it...
This year the elections have become greater in the minds of most Americans. Why, you ask? I’ll tell you why. Never before has so much been at stake or on...
Lockheed Martin is a Clinton foundation donor as well as a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt. It became a Clinton Global Initiative member in 2010. In...