Kim Warns He Will ‘Turn Self-destructive US Into Ash Pile’

Tyrant Kim Jong-un has just issued a chilling new threat against the United States in response to a test of the joint US-South Korea THAAD missile defense system designed to shield it from nuclear strike. In his latest address to his country, Kim vowed to “turn the US into a pile of ash” if President Donald Trump tries to curb North Korea’s nuclear ambitions by force. The threat was quoted in the latest issue of the North Korean state-run newspaper, Minju Choson. The story warned that a military confrontation with the rogue nation will “inevitably lead the US to self-destruction”.

The latest escalation of tensions between the two countries comes after Kim Jong-un’s regime launched what it claimed was an intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of reaching the West coast of America. That claim was later verified by military sources in the United States. The ecstatic Kim, virtually cackled as he hailed the July 4 test of the Hwasong-14 launcher as a “gift for American b******s”.

Since assuming power from his deceased father, Kim has continued to conduct several underground tests of atom bombs, in addition to trying to develop a workable ICBM, both of which are in violation of United Nations mandates. However, as yet, there is no proof that North Korea has been successful in shrinking the device to a size that could be carried on a missile.

Last week America’s UN ambassador Nikki Haley said Washington was prepared to use the full range of its capabilities to defend itself and its allies from a threat coming from North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs. Ambassador Haley did not rule out the use of military force if necessary.

Meanwhile, while Mr Trump was attending the G-20 meeting in Hamburg, he let it be known he was disappointed with the efforts of China’s President Xi to restrain North Korea’s actions. He also pointedly told Xi that “one way or another, North Korea’s threat would be eliminated.”

Trying to impress upon Kim that he is headed down the wrong path, the US has deployed anti-missile batteries in South Korea, and sent supersonic bombers to join an exercise with South Korean fighters jets in a show of force days after the rocket launch. In addition, the two allies militaries also fired “deep strike” precision missiles into the sea. South Korea says the response was “intended as a strong warning against North Korean provocation”.

Then last night, in what can only be described as President Trump thumbing his nose at the fat little dictators successful ICBM launch, the US used its state-of-the-art THAAD missile defense system to blow a simulated North Korean rocket out of the sky over the Pacific Ocean. The shoot-down missile was launched from a defense battery in Alaska and successfully intercepted a ballistic missile launched from a US plane near Hawaii.

A spokesperson said,dozens more of the new THAAD systems are scheduled to be delivered to the US Army over the next year.

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