Ever Wondered What It’s Like To Shower With Kate Upton?

Kate Upton first appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue back in 2011 and has appeared on the cover of the annual magazine three separate times since then. The 25-year-old model has essentially been the face of the brand during that time and she’s done a lot of jaw-dropping work along the way.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit took a moment to reflect back on her old work this Thursday with a video from one of her photo shoots back in her early days with the magazine. In the video, the cameras captured a young Upton showing off in the shower in what remains one of her sexiest photo shoots to date.

Back before Upton landed her first cover in 2012, she said it would be “groundbreaking” for her to be the girl on the front of the magazine that everybody keeps on their coffee table.

“To me, it means so much because I grew up looking at all the Sports Illustrated models and admiring all of them being from a sports fanatic family,” she said. “I know how everyone talks about how it’s such a boost to your career, but it means a lot to me personally.”

That may be true, but make no mistake, Sports Illustrated put Kate Upton on the map and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon from the looks of it.


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