• July 26, 2024

Zelensky Visited The Pope And Presented Him With An Absolutely Repulsive Gift…

 Zelensky Visited The Pope And Presented Him With An Absolutely Repulsive Gift…

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the president of Ukraine, visited with Pope Francis last week. However, we have just learned of the questionable “gift” the former wartime leader gave the pope, one that many Catholics have found to be very offensive.

In their meeting on May 13, Zelenskyy and Pope Francis exchanged gifts that they thought would be important to one another. According to Catholic Courier on Monday, the pope presented the Ukrainian president with a bronze olive branch as a sign of the peace he hopes will soon return to Ukraine’s citizens.

Zelenskyy also needed to present a gift. An artwork named “Loss 2022-58” which is modeled after a holy icon depicting the Virgin Mary holding a baby Jesus in her arms was supposedly sent to the pope by the president of Ukraine.

As Catholic Courier describes it, “The work commemorates the 243 children who died in the first 58 days of Russia’s full-scale invasion Feb. 24, 2022, which continued attacks launched by Russia in 2014.”

However, such an explanation falls short of truly capturing this “gift.”

It actually displays a distasteful picture of Mary cradling a completely blacked-out baby Jesus.

The Union of Orthodox Journalists provided a little more detailed description, stating that the artwork was created by Ukrainian artist Oleksiy Revika and was titled “Loss of 2022-58.”

Even though the media refers to Revika’s work as a “painting,” it is very similar to a parody of the Iberian Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.


In fact, it appears that “parody” is the least of it. Many have categorically labeled it offensive.

Dr. Taylor Marshall, a popular Catholic video podcaster, found Zelenskyy’s icon painting to be wholly offensive.

“Lets just look at the Blessed Mother and how she’s depicted here. It’s not flattering, it’s not good, this is not quality. I’m offended by it … and Jesus is blacked out, he’s gone. This is highly offensive to the pope, this is highly offensive to all Catholics, it’s highly offensive to all Christians. Zelenskyy is Jewish. And this is a [he motioned a slap to his face] to the followers of Jesus Christ,” Marshall said at the start of his Wednesday podcast.

Many Twitter users concur with Dr. Marshall’s assessment and stated that they believe the offensive painting is offensive to Catholics.

Of all, there is no way to know what Zelenskyy’s thoughts were when he presented the pope with that particular painting. Whatever he could have intended, it was not at all suitable. Marshall has a point. This obscenity is an affront to all Christians who revere Jesus Christ, not only the Pope and Catholics. It would have been a lot more fitting to give something that represented peace instead of that.


The present most definitely does not increase anyone’s sympathy for Ukraine, especially given the widespread belief that Ukraine may not be on its side in a conflict in which there don’t even appear to be any good people.


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