Woman Celebrates Her Divorce By Doing The Most Satisfying Thing She Can Think Of [PHOTOS]

A woman has a unique way of getting over a heart break after her divorce.

No one can tell you how to get over a break-up. As long as you are not hurting yourself or your ex; just about anything goes. It’s natural to want closure whether it’s by having a final conversation to find out what went wrong, go on a trip alone, or get a new haircut. It’s all part of the healing process.

But not everyone comes to terms to the conclusion of a partnership in the same way. Katlynn McKee had her own unique way to say goodbye to the past, not with a bang but with a fire.

Katlynn McKee got married in a stunning $1,500 wedding gown five years ago.

The dress may have been gorgeous but the relationship was not. After four years as husband and wife, McKee and her ex decided to part ways.

“My relationship wasn’t a good one, so it was a relief to finally be free,” says the 25-year-old. “We’d been together since I was 16 and married for four years. We grew apart.”

McKee looked online for inspirations to trash her dress but she wanted her experience to be original.

“I did a bit of research but all the ideas were my own and it was exactly the way I wanted to do it,” the hairdresser reveals.

For McKee it was a way to close that chapter in her life. She hired her wedding photographer once again

“We went out to this little area with mud and water, and I had a bottle of wine and a gas canister in a basket,” says McKee who is also mom to a six-year-old girl.

This divorcee didn’t have to worry about getting her dress dirty, that was part of the goal all along.

“I got into the water in my dress so it was really dirty, then started ripping it up,” she says.

McKee admits she told her ex about her plans. He loved the idea and even offered to join in the photo shoot.

“He was surprised that I was going to do it because I’m not really like that,” McKee told Caters News.

“He joked that he should be in it and I could punch him or something, but I wanted it to be just me,” she explains.

The shoot took two hours, with McKee loving every minute of it.

“It was like my rebellion against the marriage, my way of saying I’m free,” she admits.

The Illinois resident wasn’t done when she got her dressed dirty and ripped up.

She had more planned for her dress trashing photoshoot. McKee stripped down to her lingerie, cutting her dress even more.

“Trash the Dress,” photoshoots have become increasingly popular among newlyweds.

Shortly after the wedding party, brides throw themselves into a pool or run into the ocean with their gown still on. Hence the term, trash the dress.

When she finished cutting her dress, she threw it on a pile of rocks and doused it with the canister of petrol she had brought.

Naturally, she lit it on fire. Saying goodbye to a chapter in her life.

She calls the whole experience “very liberating, exciting and empowering.”

McKee drank her wine right out of the bottle as her dress went up in flames.

McKee had no idea her photos would get such positive reviews.

“My friends thought it was awesome and I had loads of people getting in touch saying they wish they’d done the same thing,”

“It actually ended up being quite sexy because I stripped down to my underwear,” she reveals.

She plans to put the photos up in her house.


McKee’s new boyfriend loved the photos and is not in the least bit intimidated by them.

“I was really happy with it all and I loved the way it turned out,” she concludes.

Next, divorced man finds many uses for his ex’s wedding dress.


Source: www.lifebuzz.com

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