This Woman Is Making A Ton OF Money On Tinder [PHOTOS]

Love it or hate it, Tinder is one of the hottest apps today. It is a location-based social search mobile app that promotes communication between mutually interested users, allowing matched users to chat. The matching is based on Facebook and Spotify profiles.

But aside from meeting new people, one woman found another clever use for the app. Most would judge her for what she did but her ingenious idea went viral. Read on to find out more about her brilliant idea.

Maggie Archer, a 20-year-old student from Missouri, came up with an interesting strategy to make money in Tinder and it seems to be working, in a way. Her profile doesn’t say much about her but has attracted a lot of guys.

She simply writes, “Send me $5, see what happens.” It sounds deceiving even scammy but guys have fallen for the “trap.”

See what I mean? Sneaky Maggie has had more than 20 men send her cash thanks to this inviting line in her Tinder profile. She doesn’t promise the men anything, but several men have already turned over their money with hopes that they will be rewarded.

Of course, Maggie wouldn’t do anything compromising. Find out what she does after receiving the money.

As soon as the curious men take the bait and send her the cash, she unmatches them. The idea started as a joke from Maggie’s friend who suggested she give it a try. But after it surprisingly started working, she decided to keep it going for a little while.

It’s really a foolproof plan because I’m not actually promising anything, I just say “see what happens,”‘ she said.

In just one week she has received ‘donations’ from more than 20 men and claims that one in five men who ask about the comment in her bio send money. That’s an easy $100 for the week. No wonder she decided to continue the prank.

The most she has received from a single match is $10 but shares that some matches have offered to send her even more. She said, ‘Some men get creepy and assume if they offer a lot more, like hundreds, something will actually happen, which of course it doesn’t.’

Then, Maggie Archer shared her money-making strategy on Twitter where it quickly went viral, being shared more than 8,000 times in less than a week with a caption ‘The best possible use for tinder.’ For some, the app may be their hope for finding love but for Maggie, it’s a convenient money-making strategy.

Some women even tried out the prank themselves. But of course, you can’t please everybody. While a majority of the responses on her Twitter post were positive, plenty of people have also attacked her for being cruel. Although Maggie says that her critics have been mostly men.

It’s an amusing story. But some may find it irritating. It’s just how the way some people are. If you’re gullible then the jokes on you. Next time you’re on Tinder better be careful or else you’ll end up a laughing stock.

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