• July 26, 2024

Rapist Collapsed When He Learned What He May Have Contracted From His Victim [VIDEO]

 Rapist Collapsed When He Learned What He May Have Contracted From His Victim [VIDEO]

A rapist faces a nerve-wracking wait to find out if he caught the deadly HIV/Aids virus from his victim.

Richard Thomas, 27, collapsed and had to be admitted to hospital when Manchester police told him about his victim’s condition after the attack in July.

Thomas broke in to the house of the woman, whom he knew, and forced himself on her while she was asleep. The victim, who lives in Leigh, Manchester, had taken a sleeping pill shortly before the attack. She woke up to find him raping her.

She awoke to find the 27-year-old assaulting her. Frozen, she could only look in his eyes as he pulled up his shorts and left.

Thomas reportedly knew that the woman, who had taken a sleeping pill earlier in the evening, was sick.

But he did not realize that she was HIV-positive. He now faces a tense wait until Friday to find out whether she has passed on the virus.

Cops said that, when he was told she had the disease during questioning, he collapsed and asked to be taken for tests.

Thomas’ attorney Virginia Hayton told Liverpool Crown Court her client could not remember the attack because he had been drinking heavily, and taking cocaine and Ecstasy.

“But when told about it, he said that the woman would not lie, she tells the truth. If she says I have done it, I have done it,” added Hayton.

She added that Thomas now had the worry of contracting the virus, reports Metro.

“But it is his own fault, if he had not committed this offense, he would not have placed himself in this position,’ she added.

Sources: OpposingviewsMetro

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