The family of a 15-year-old Pennsylvania girl, who hanged herself on Monday June 19, says in her obituary that she had a tough life made worse by school bullies.
Sadie L. Riggs, 15, hanged herself June 19 after what her family described as a personal struggle. Sadie was seeking counseling and was prescribed medications to deal with her mental instabilities, according to the obituary.
In the obituary, Sadie’s family made it clear she was a troubled soul, but also pointed out that she was certainly pushed by bullies she encountered at school or elsewhere.
“For the bullies involved, please know you were effective in making her feel worthless,” read the obituary, reports Penn Live. “That is all between you and God now, but please know that it is not to late to change your ways.”
The obituary also mentioned what appeared to be a complex family dynamic in Sadie’s life. She lived with her aunt and her parents were separated. She is survived by seven siblings across three states.
“If you take a minute and look at Sadie’s family dynamics you will see that a large percent of the people in her life were not not related to her by blood but she was sent to us by God who knew this child needed a family,” it reads. It was not immediately clear how, or if, this played a role in Sadie taking her own life.
“To all the bullies out there, I just want you to know that as much as we despise your actions never, ever do we wish for you to feel the paralyzing pain that engulfs our bodies…” it continued.
The family said Sadie enjoyed playing softball, as well as reading, drawing and listening to music.
“Our hearts are beyond broken. Sadie, it was a privilege to have you in our lives and we will always love you. May you find peace in the arms of God and may we all be kind to one another.”
The family ended the obituary with a request.
“In lieu of flowers, the family of Sadie ask that you be kind to one another.”
According to The Parent Resource Program, suicide is the second-leading cause of death for children and young adults ages 10-24. It also reports that each day, more than 5,200 children in grades 7-12 in the U.S. attempt suicide.
The Parent Resource Program urges people not to ignore common warning signs from young adults like “I wish I was dead,” or, “you’ll be sorry when I’m gone,” even if they seem to be made in jest.
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