No Steak Or Lobster For EBT Recipients In This State; Do You Agree With It?


A New York state legislator has introduced a bill which would curtail the use of food stamps for items such as steak, lobster, and candy bars.

Republican Sen. Patty Ritchie introduced the bill on Feb. 17 that would block beneficiaries of the state’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) from using their benefits to purchase foods that are either high-end or not nutritious. (READ: A New Missouri Food Stamp Law Just Booted 41,000 People Off EBT Benefits)

Among the items on the list are lobster, certain cuts of steak, decorated cakes and energy drinks.

The bill’s memo reads: “At a time when our state and nation are struggling with an obesity epidemic, it is critically important that taxpayer-funded programs help low-income consumers make wise and healthy food choices.” (READ: Welfare Leeches Put On Notice As Congress Investigates Food Stamp Fraud)

Support and opposition to such measures typically falls along party lines, with Republican lawmakers in the state generally supportive of the measures while the Democrats have typically opposed them. Similar bills have been proposed in Maine, Wisconsin and in the U.S. Congress. (READ: Lawmaker Proposed Food Stamp BAN On These Products Sends Libs Into Meltdown)

One key problem in making sure the proposed legislation will have the intended effect is that across the United States, ‘junk food’ is typically more accessible — and often cheaper — than nutritious alternatives. But the federal government is starting to take a hard look at this phenomenon and is beginning to act on it.

The Obama administration released an announcement during the week of Feb. 14 which will compel certain stores to carry healthier food options if they want to continue to be able to accept SNAP benefits, according to the Post. Convenience store owners have lobbied against the proposal and have argued that people with low incomes will suffer if stores are kicked off the SNAP program for failing to stock healthy food. (READ: Here Are The Most Common Food Items Purchased With Food Stamps)

The SNAP program is overseen by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), which disputes convenience store owners’ complaints.

“If you’re receiving billions of dollars as an industry in taxpayer funds, it’s only just that there is an expectation that there is an adequate supply of a variety of foods, period,” said Kevin Concannon of the USDA during an interview with Politico. (READ: Man’s Facebook Post Comparing His Shopping Cart To The Person Next To Him Goes Viral)

Ritchie’s bill is ultimately unlikely to be adopted in New York, as the State Assembly is controlled by the Democrats.

Source 1, Source 2

Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda?

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  • I didn’t even have to read the whole article. I’ve said for years that we should help people that need help but they should not able to spend more money then a working person nor should they be able to buy high end things. I was in a store not to long ago and two people cancan in there and bought 6 Energy drinks. I look at another guy standing in line and said we just paid for those drinks

  • Families should be able to purchase the foods they like to experience now and then. I would imagine most families but the needed staples with family consideration.

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