• July 26, 2024

Muslim Man HORRIFIED After Taking A Bite Of Chili Cheese Fries, What He Does Next Is Just Wrong

 Muslim Man HORRIFIED After Taking A Bite Of Chili Cheese Fries, What He Does Next Is Just Wrong

A Muslim man who ate half of a beef burger and chili cheese fries dish before discovering that the chili contained pork quickly went from being horrified beyond the capacity for rational thought to being outright indignant about the whole affair.

“I had food in my mouth and I spat it out and went to the toilet, where I was sick,” U.K. resident Naz Ali later told the Birmingham Mail about the dish he had eaten Monday at a pub in the British town of Streetly.

“I’ve eaten in all kinds of places in London and Birmingham, and I’ve never had an experience like this,” he said. “For religious purposes, I don’t eat pork, and restaurants should be aware of what people of different religions can and can’t eat. It was a shambles.”

Sorry to break it to Mr. Ali, but the blame for this incident is entirely on his shoulders: He admitted to the Mail that he never even told the waitress about his aversion to pork.

“My friend is a Sikh and we had been joking about not having bacon on the burgers we ordered, but the waitress didn’t pick up on it at all,” he said. “I fancied a side to go with the burger, so I ordered the chill chips. It had what I thought was chicken stuck right in the middle.”

It’s as if he expected her to just read his mind or, even worse, question his religious beliefs. Just try and imagine what sort of uproar might have been triggered had the unnamed waitress began asking Ali about his Muslim faith.

Note that the U.K. is “ruled by political correctness,” as was noted by the Gatestone Institute five years ago. Of course, it was this same PC culture that led to last year’s historic Brexit vote, but it would be naive to think that this wave of madness has since evaporated into thin air. It’s still there — just not as ubiquitous as before.

As for Mr. Ali, it wasn’t until he specifically asked the waitress about the chili’s ingredients that he learned the horrifying truth. Maybe he — as a devout Muslim — should have asked that question before he ordered the meal in the first place.

Not surprisingly, he felt differently and has since made it clear that “he is not satisfied with the answers from the” pub’s management. (The pub apologized for the pork and even waived the bill. It’s hard to think what else a restaurant could do in that situation.)

Ali ought to be happy with the treatment he got for something that was his own fault. Had something like this occurred in some restaurants in the U.S., where a large number of people have a zero tolerance policy for PC nonsense, he might not have received a single thing.

H/T GOP The Daily Dose

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