• July 26, 2024

Liberals Hit Trump With Another Insult And He TOTALLY Exploded!

 Liberals Hit Trump With Another Insult And He TOTALLY Exploded!

The Democrats are doing anything they can to stop the recount happening in Arizona since they know it will show their cheating ways.

The Democrats are arguing in their copious amounts of case filings that Maricopa county used third parties to deliver the ballots to the Coliseum. However, that is an ironic argument considering that Maricopa County was the only county that that contracted out its ballot tabulation to Dominion Voting Systems, which is a privately-owned voting machines company.

Yeah, these liberals cannot seem to see the irony in their argument.

So on Friday, Donald Trump blasted these moronic leftists and their last-ditch effort to halt the Arizona election audit. On Friday afternoon, he delivered an official statement through Save America Pac.

Check out his statement here:

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America.

So many people would like to thank the brave and patriotic Republican State Senators from Arizona for the incredible job they are doing in exposing the large scale Voter Fraud which took place in the 2020 Presidential Election. Their tireless efforts have led to a massive recount, ballot examination, and full forensic audit, undertaken by experts retained by the State Senate, with results to be announced within six weeks. The Democrats, upon hearing the news of the Court Order, have sent 73 lawyers to Arizona in an effort to stop this recount and full transparency because THEY KNOW WHAT THEY DID! The Democrats are desperate for the FRAUD to remain concealed because, when revealed, the Great States of Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, New Hampshire, and the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, would be forced to complete the work already started. The Arizona recount and examination will be on live TV (OAN) for all to watch.

Why are the Democrats so desperate to stop this Election Fraud from being revealed? That answer is obvious! The Governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, has been shockingly of zero help to the State Senate. He wants to “pretend” the election was free and fair. What are he and the Maricopa County Commissioners trying to hide? Our country needs the truth of the scam 2020 Election to be exposed. If it is not, just as if we have “no borders,” we cannot be a Great Nation. Honest elections are America’s Heart and Soul. We must never allow this to happen to our Great Country again. Thank you State Senators and others in Arizona for commencing this full forensic audit. I predict the results will be startling!

On Friday, a judge decided to stop the Maricopa County election audit, as was reported earlier on Becker News.

“Superior Court Judge Christopher Coury said he wants to ensure the recount fully complies with Arizona law and asked for more information by Monday morning on the audit’s policies and procedures,” AZ Central reported.

“If Gallardo or the Democratic Party post a $1 million bond, the audit will be paused at 5 p.m.,” the report cited the judge.

In late January, the Maricopa County supervisors voted unanimously to hire “two independent companies to conduct an audit that will examine again whether the machines counted votes properly, whether they were hacked or tampered with, and whether the county used proper procedures when leasing its machines from Dominion Voting Systems,” AZ Central reported.

Americans will be watching closely to get the election transparency and accountability they deserve.

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