Cop Follows School Bus For Several Miles, Then Posts Photo Online With This Letter [READ]

Some of the most important figures in a child’s life are the people at their schools. But many teachers don’t get the respect and admiration they deserve.

On Teacher Appreciation Day, many finally do — from students, parents, and community members.

Unfortunately, many school staff members don’t fall into the “teacher” category, so people like custodians, cafeteria staff, and bus drivers still don’t get the recognition they deserve.

Once in a while, though, these school staff members are recognized for how wonderful they are.

When a police officer pulled up behind a school bus, she wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from the bus in front of her.

Although bus drivers are supposed to be very cautious as they transport the most precious goods — children — some of them can be bit reckless.

But when she saw what this school bus driver was doing, she snapped a picture.

The cop who was following the school bus took a quick picture of the back of the bus, then posted it online with a note.

She shared the message on the Facebook page Love What Matters, where it got 13,000 reactions and 475 shares in just a few days.

The police officer wrote:

Dear School Bus #38 Driver,

I spotted you this morning traveling in the heavy rain and high wind on Illinois Route 130 approaching Charleston.

You clearly care for the school children you were transporting.

You not only used caution by traveling between 43-45 mph in a 55 mph zone, but you also drove with your hazard lights on so other motorists could see you.

The SUV behind you the whole way was my squad. I am guessing you had no idea I followed you for about 7 miles into town until I pulled up next to your bus.

I am glad I took a few minutes to say thank you for your safe driving. Sometimes it’s nice to be commended on your efforts.

You told me about how you had called 911 about the black car that spun out in the flooded roadway north of town, almost striking your bus before it crashed into the ditch.

The parents of the Charleston CUSD 1 students you put in your bus will appreciate knowing how cautious you are.

With three small children of my own, it’s sometimes difficult to have out precious cargo board a bus (or get in anyone’s vehicle for that matter).

I would gladly have you drive my children to and from school each day.

Well done Mrs. Bus Driver, well done.

Sincerely impressed,

Mama Bear.

The kids on this school bus are lucky to have such a wonderful, safety-concerned bus driver — and it’s wonderful that someone recognized her driving skills.

If you think bus drives deserve our love and respect, please SHARE this article with your friends!



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