College Prof. Asks Police Officer to Leave Class for Wearing His Uniform, Gun [VIDEO]

A Louisiana police sergeant and part-time college student was asked to leave class because he was wearing his uniform and gun, the lawman said on FBN’s “Risk & Reward.”

The sight of a police officer apparently triggered one of the college students, who complained to the professor.

Jefferson Parish Police Sgt. Josh Collins told Elizabeth MacDonald that he was running late to his class at Loyola University in New Orleans and had no time to change following his shift.


During a break, the professor told him a student in the law & morality class complained of his presence in-uniform and asked him to hide his sidearm.

The campus police were called because of the incident, but told the professor over the phone there was no concern over Collins’ presence.

“I have to put up with a lot of prejudicial and biased comments,” Collins wrote on Facebook, “but today made me sad for the youth and the college I have attended for 8 years.”

Collins credited Loyola administration for taking the incident seriously and trying to prevent another type of situation in the future.

But, he said he found the altercation embarrassing.

H/T: Fox News Insider

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