• April 28, 2024

Bombshell Confession! “Breaking Americans’ Will” Is The Mission

 Bombshell Confession! “Breaking Americans’ Will” Is The Mission

Time Magazine released an article on Thursday praising a shadowy cabal of industry higher-ups who conspired to manipulate the election and oust Donald Trump from the White House.

The article shocked a lot of people for its brazenness. Mere days earlier, conservative outlets — including our own — were subject to page removals, suspensions, and outright bans for even suggesting such a thing.

In yet another stunning “quiet part out loud” moment, a New England government official revealed the left’s endgame in fighting the climate in an online meeting he assumed would remain private. Massachusetts Undersecretary for Climate Change David Ismay participated in a meeting with the Vermont Climate Council back in January, where he admitted that when it comes to the big climate “offenders” in their region, there are no bad guys left to break. Ismay went on to say that now the only ones left to “break” are the people.

I know one thing that we found in our analysis is that 60% of our emissions come from – as I have it started to say you and me, except you guys are in Vermont – 60% of our emissions come from residential heating and passenger vehicles. Let me say that again …60% of our emissions that need to be reduced come from you, the person on your street, the  senior on fixed-income. Right now there is no bad guy left, at least in Massachusetts, to point the finger at and turn the screws on and no break their will so they stop emitting. That’s you . We have to break your will.

If you are shocked that a public official would not only admit out loud that they happily broke the back of a job-producing industry in their state, but that they now need to break the back of the average American, you’re not alone. Has may himself seemed surprised at the words coming out of his mouth, and in a stunning admission told attendees that he knew that was not something he could say out loud in public?

“I can’t even say that publicly.”

This has nothing to do with Climate Change or protecting the “democracy” folks. This has everything to do with crushing the American spirit and throwing away the constitution. They are proud of their efforts that denied the will of the people and will continue to do so unless they are stopped.

Again, this has nothing to do with protecting but all about control. The elites want full power and we cannot allow them to get it.


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