• July 26, 2024

Biden’s Border Numbers Are So Bad That They Released Them At The Strangest….

 Biden’s Border Numbers Are So Bad That They Released Them At The Strangest….

The United States has become a haven for unscreened armies of illegal aliens, including suspected terrorists and convicted felons, thanks to Joe Biden’s dismal presidency.

It is therefore not surprising that the government is attempting to conceal the extraordinary scale of the terrifying calamity at the border.

With the obvious hope that few Americans would pay attention to the alarming numbers during the weekend, U.S. Customs and Border Protection published its September monthly report on a Saturday.

CBP’s total border interactions in September touched a record high of 269,735, painting a scary picture of a country under siege.

“CBP releases RECORD BREAKING Sept FY23 Encounters – 269,735 – highest month ever on record – brings FY23 Total to highest year ever on record – 2,475,669,” Fox News Washington correspondent Griff Jenkins noted on the social media platform X.

Former first son Donald Trump Jr. noted that the monthly report from the Biden administration was released on Saturday.

“Of course Customs and Border Patrol waits until Saturday morning to release the new disastrous border numbers so that no one is paying attention,” he wrote in a social media post.

“So we understand what the invasion looks like:

  • 267 terrorists (these were caught imagine how many got through?)
  • 8M+ illegal aliens since Biden took office
  • 72,823 illegal special interest aliens (from countries that harbor terrorism) over the last 2 years.”

“This is not an accident or a coincidence, this is deliberate by Democrats and it will destroy our country,” Trump Jr. wrote.

According to Bill Melugin of Fox News, the FBI apprehended 169 illegal aliens during the most recent fiscal year, which is the highest number ever and more than double the total number of arrests made in the previous six years put together.

Keep in mind that the CPB study only includes illegal aliens who were apprehended or voluntarily turned in; many more remain at large.

People who have been convicted of violent crimes, either abroad or during prior admissions to the United States, continue to illegally enter the country and pose a threat to the safety of American residents.

Along with the hordes of refugees pouring into the country, unimaginable quantities of deadly drugs are also making their way across our porous border every day.

In addition, migrants have been discovered smuggling in unclean things that would make anyone’s stomach turn.

Professor of medicine at NYU, Dr. Marc Siegel, has issued a warning that migrants may be bringing in fatal, drug-resistant infections.

“Migrants could be bringing infectious diseases across our southern border. When they are bussed to New York and elsewhere, these diseases go with them,” Siegel wrote in an Aug. 17 USA Today column.

Sheriff Mark Lamb of Arizona’s Pinal County was reported by Siegel as claiming that he had seen countless migrants ill with a terrible assortment of diseases that might erupt into a national epidemic.

“Border Patrol and local agencies have seen all types of diseases like tuberculosis, scabies, COVID, hepatitis A and B, gonorrhea, syphilis, mumps, chicken pox, dengue fever, etc.,” Pinal told Siegel.

Therefore, Siegel argued, “the porous border is not just a national security crisis, it is also a public health emergency.”

It’s now beyond dispute that Biden’s dystopian administration has spawned a festering border catastrophe that threatens to spread.

The persistent onslaught of migrants is hastening the United States’ demise by putting an undue demand on public services, undermining national security, and posing a threat to public safety.

Daily exposure to such a barrage would be too much for any nation to bear.

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