Sometimes, people don’t become fire breathing dragons until one is needed. You have seen those people before in life, we all have. The quiet unassuming person who just sits in...
You don’t always need to have the keys to the castle in order to make an impact. Just look at how many times liberals sit like children and listen to...
People that are predisposed to do great things are always going to seem to do great things. If you served someone in an honorable capacity you are going to continue...
One of the things that people have to understand is that despite people’s right to not practice a religion, the majority of people do it in some fashion. This means...
If you were to listen to what liberals are saying on a daily basis, it’s that you have better get a medical degree and learn to do your own surgeries,...
You would think that if you were about to try and put together the most important team in the world that you would want the best, most honest people. Not...
One of the things that people need to realize is that Democrats aren’t exactly the type that like to discuss things in a calm manner. Don’t believe me? Ask one...
If there is anyone that I trust less in this world to make a truthful statement, it might be Hillary Clinton. The woman is probably lying about what her own...
If there is one thing that you do not do, it is going after someone’s family. I have been involved in personal disputes before where I told the person in...
If you have ever spent time in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, you can probably tell that the people that live up there have a particularly independent spirit about them....