• May 19, 2024

A Leaked Copy Of Biden’s Cheat Sheet Was Revealed, And Boy Are We In….

 A Leaked Copy Of Biden’s Cheat Sheet Was Revealed, And Boy Are We In….

The Biden administration is one gigantic joke that has been perpetrated on the American people.

It would be laughable if the consequences of Biden’s actions were not so dire to the nation.

For over the past year, Biden and his team have done all they can to fool the American people, but every time they try it falls apart right in front of our eyes.

The latest was on Monday when Biden denied causing THREE national security issues while he was in Europe.

Just watch:

Joe Biden and his minions are hoping that the American people are stupid, but we are not and can see right through his lies.

The man is so egotistical despite having the mental facilities of a guppie, and I feel bad for comparing a guppie to Biden.

Then on top of it all, there was this run-in with this reporter when who cornered Joe about the “regime change” comment he made in Poland when he said Putin could no longer be in power.



But, wait there is more.

One clever reporter snapped a photograph of Joe Biden’s notes he used at the presser, and what you will see is all the proof you need that Joe Biden is a puppet.

Jake Schneider from the GOP shared the image.

Here’s what he said: “Biden had to have “I was not articulating a change in policy” written verbatim on a notecard so he wouldn’t screw it up, and he still screwed it up!

Here’s a closeup of the notes:


The New York Post reported:

Joe Biden once again referred to a printed cheat sheet as he doubled down on his unscripted weekend claim that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.”

On Monday Biden, 79, told reporters he made “no apologies” for his remarks — made off the cuff and not part of his prepared speech in a nationally televised address from Poland Saturday — and did not view it as a provocation to Russia.

“It’s more an aspiration than anything. He shouldn’t be in power. There’s no  — I mean, people like this shouldn’t be ruling countries, but they do. The fact is they do, but it doesn’t mean I can’t express my outrage about it.”

His comments closely aligned with notes printed on a small piece of paper that he was photographed holding in his left hand as he spoke that began as follows:

If you weren’t advocating for regime change, what did you mean? Can you clarify?

I was expressing the moral outrage I felt towards the actions of this man

I was not articulating a change in policy

“I was talking to the Russian people. The last part of the speech was talking to the Russian people, telling them what we thought,” Biden told reporters.

Here’s what people online are saying:

“I hope those who installed or even voted for Biden feels safer. Because the majority of America does not.”

“Outperformed every presidential challenger in US history. 81 million. Does anyone actually believe that?”

“Yikes…. Questions and answers given to him and he still screws it up.. our “president” is mentally ill and not in charge of anything.. “

“The vegetable has a cheat sheet and still sounds like an idiot” 

“Yeah I don’t recall Trump ever needing cue cards.”

“Why are people still pretending that Joe Biden is not the national security risk that he is?”

“We’re all gunna die. Bring on the VP at this point. #25thAmendmentNow”

“But who determines these words? That’s the question we should all be asking” 

“Your Commander-in-Chief ladies and gentleman. He’s like an old man with a name tag pinned to his coat so he remembers who he is” 

“Prepared questions and answers. Nothing to see here, folks…”

“we’re all being lied to. This man is a shell and a dangerous one at that” 

The American people deserve to know who is running this country, because it sure as hell isn’t Joe Biden, and whomever it is, also wasn’t elected.

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