Youtube JUST reinstated Prominent Conservative Channel They Previously Flagged

The YouTube channel of influential conservative politics and law website Legal Insurrection, which was controversially removed by the video sharing service last week, has been restored.

YouTube had cited copyright infringement claims when it took the channel down on Jan.12.

Legal Insurrection founder and publisher and Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson told that YouTube had restored the channel Sunday.

“While I’m glad our YouTube channel is restored, the fact remains that we were removed without any prior notice or chance to defend ourselves against what we believe are unjustified copyright claims,” he told, via email. “We intend to fight the copyright claims if they are pursued in court.”

On Friday the publisher received notification from YouTube that the copyright claims were filed by the Modern Languages Association (MLA) based on audio posted of a recent MLA vote on a resolution to boycott Israeli universities. The boycott resolution at the MLA Delegate Assembly failed.

The audio of the MLA vote has not been restored to the YouTube channel. Legal Insurrection has filed a “Counter-Notification” with YouTube contesting the copyright claims, according to Jacobson, who says that the MLA has 10-14 business days to seek relief in court. “If they don’t, or if they are unsuccessful, then YouTube will restore the contested items,” he added.

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