House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan subpoenaed Citibank on Thursday after the corporation declined to participate in the committee’s inquiry into whether banking institutions illegally shared Americans’ private data with the FBI.
The Judiciary Committee, as explained in the August 17 letter, seeks to discover the “extent to which financial institutions, including Citibank, may have shared customer information with federal law enforcement despite the customers having no individualized nexus to criminal conduct.”
The purported data sharing involved mostly transactions in the Washington, D.C., area around the time of the January 6 Capitol intrusion.
“The Committee and Select Subcommittee have obtained evidence showing that at least one major financial institution provided the FBI with private financial data without legal process,” the fiery Republican from Ohio wrote in announcing the subpoena.
“As first noted in our June 12 letter, testimony from current and former FBI officials shows that Bank of America (BoA) provided the FBI—voluntarily and without any legal process—with a list of individuals who made transactions in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area with a BoA credit or debit card between January 5 and January 7, 2021.”
Individuals with a firearms purchase on their bank records were elevated to the top of that list, “regardless of the time or place of the firearm purchase,” Rep. Jordan said.
Further, documents obtained by the committee reportedly show that the FBI “supplied BoA with specific search query terms” to identify BoA customers “who had made ‘ANY historical purchase’ of a firearm, or that had purchased a hotel, Airbnb, or airline travel within a given date range.”
This data, according to The Hill, could have been used to track the travel of individuals suspected of rioting at the Capitol.
“Given this concerning testimony, the Committee has written to other major financial institutions, including Citibank, to determine whether those entities were involved in similar conduct,” the letter read.
The institutions previously contacted by the committee included Bank of America, Citibank, J.P. Morgan, PNC, Truist, U.S. Bank, and Wells Fargo, The Hill reported.
Of these, Citibank is the only one that has chosen not to comply with the Judiciary Committee’s investigation, The Hill reported.
As the letter noted: “On June 12, 2023, we requested your voluntary cooperation with our oversight to determine the extent to which financial institutions, such as Citibank, have worked with the FBI to collect Americans’ financial data.”
“To date, Citibank has declined to comply with our request voluntarily, and counsel has represented that it will only comply pursuant to a subpoena.”
Citibank is implicated in this investigation since a representative from their company was “included on emails and Zoom discussions organized by the FBI and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network,” Jordan wrote.
These discussions “focused on ‘identifying the best approach to information sharing, both strategic and operational,’ in the wake of the events of January 6,” the letter said.
Jordan continued, condemning the FBI’s “alarming” use of “back-channel discussions with financial institutions.”
“The Committee and Select Subcommittee must understand how and to what extent financial institutions, such as Citibank, worked with the FBI—and potentially other executive branch entities—to collect Americans’ data without an individualized nexus to criminal conduct,” the letter read.
Jordan also issued subpoenas to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday, alleging that the FBI and DOJ “pressured and colluded with Big Tech and other intermediaries to censor certain viewpoints” in direct violation of the First Amendment.
Earlier last month, the committee got records suggesting that various FBI field offices collaborated to produce an internal memo that allegedly compared traditional Catholics to domestic terrorists.
Who else is sick and tired of the woke agenda being shoved down our throats daily?
You know what makes it even worse is that we are funding it with our dollars.
Yep, and it stinks.
Every day we are fighting the culture war that is destroying our nation and when we go to the store we are funding it with our dollars.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way and I am so excited to find alternatives.
The only “catch”?
It’s Invite only.
Good thing you know someone that has the invites….(me!).
Yep! I would not make a suggestion if I wasn’t going to hook you up.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here and tell them SASSY sent you:
It’s the real deal for sure, and since it is invite only and does not run like other corrupt conglomerates they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.
We need to stop sending our dollars to the corporations that hate us and want to see us gone!
Remember the Georgia Guidestones?
They literally told us they wanted to reduce us from 8 billion people on Earth down to only 500 million.
No big deal, right?
Just an elimination of 94% of all people living right now.
And yet we continue to shop at their big stores and send them our money because until now we’ve had little choice.
Well, today that changes.
It’s time to “ditch and switch” and change where you send your dollars each month.
What if I told you instead of sending your money to Jeff Bezos and Costco and Walmart, you could shop at the LAST pro-America, freedom-loving, American designer, manufacturer, and shipper of all the stuff you buy each month?
Oh, and what if I told you the products are BETTER and often CHEAPER?
Yes, for real.
And what if I told you this is the best-kept secret you’ve never heard of before, but that this company has been doing this for the last 37 years?
And their founder was once placed on Barack Hussein Obama’s list of the Top 10 most “Dangerous Conservatives” in America?
(a list I one day hope to make myself!)
All of that is real and I’m so excited to tell you about it and I hope you’ll join the MISSION with me.
Here’s a quick summary of this company that I’m so excited to now be partnered up with on this mission:
Sound good to anyone else?
Me too!
I can get you in, but you can’t just go sign up.
They only want people on the same mission to join and they’re happy to say “no” to the Far-Left Libs!
They’ve been doing it for 37 years, and it works great.
Oh, and did I mention the products are non-toxic and don’t have all the chemicals and crap like Red Dye 40 that all the Big Corporations put in their products to weaken you?
To wear you down?
To make you — and your family — sick?
Because then when you get sick you’ll buy their drugs!
Sorry folks, I don’t play that game and neither does my family.
We’re talking about the LAST all-natural, grass-fed, no hormone, massive beef cattle ranch in the United States….
Sound good?
We’re talking Fluoride Free Toothpaste, chemical-free cleaners, and Deet-free mosquito repellant!
What novel concepts, right?
Stop sending your money to these 11 corporations that do NOT have your best interest at heart:
It’s an ILLUSION of choice.
There’s only one pro-American, American-made and manufactured, chemical-free, toxin-free, hormone-free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!
As I said, it’s Invite Only and the invite is entirely free!
In fact, I’ve assembled a team of patriots who will personally get you invited and signed up….if you want in.
Folks, we don’t have many strongholds left.
This is one.
And I’m all in.
If you’d like to find out more and get a FREE personal invite, just go here:
Tell them Sassy sent you and I promise you will get a personal call or text. If you want an email make sure you use one where one of the team members can get in touch with you.
Don’t freak out when you do.
And make sure you tell them you are interested in the Black Angus beef!
I know I tend to get concerned when I get messages from numbers I don’t recognize, but if you request a Free Invite (Link here: you WILL have someone from my Inner Circle reach out to you….so be ready!
These are awesome people and I think you’ll love getting a chance to talk with them.
And they’ll help get you all set up.
Who’s with me?
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