Woman Stomps Kitten To Death And Gives The Reason, Should She Be Jailed?


According to the Patriot Ledger, 35-year-old Eleanor M. Campbell of Weymouth, Massachusetts, has been charged with animal cruelty and disturbing the peace after she allegedly stomped a kitten to death in what police describe as a drunken “fit of rage.”

At around 9 p.m., a neighbor called police to report a domestic disturbance. An officer arrived shortly after and spoke to Campbell in her drive. Mass Live reports, that when the officer asked how much she had had to drink, she told him that she had about one-and-a-half beers, after initially failing to cooperate.

The officer asked Campbell to go inside and to keep the noise down. He left her home, but was called back less than 10 minutes later, when Campbell allegedly began throwing things at her neighbor’s car, wearing only a T-shirt and socks and shouting obscenities.

Police placed Campbell under arrest for disorderly conduct and placed her in a police cruiser. Soon after, while investigating, officers found a small, bloody kitten with what appeared to be a broken neck near a car parked in the driveway.

“The kitten appeared to have been stomped and flattened by someone,” the police report reads.

Police say that Campbell mentioned that her daughter was inside, but officers found no children in her apartment. The officer said Campbell was the only person home at her apartment both times that he was there.

According to the report, Campbell likely killed the kitten in an alcohol-induced “fit of rage.”

A detective noticed that Campbell’s socks were “covered in blood, and with the splatter of blood on Campbell’s legs it confirmed that the cat was stomped by Campbell.”

The officer estimated in the police report that the kitten was about four months old and weighed about 3 pounds.

Weymouth News reported that a necropsy or autopsy will be performed on the kitten at New England Wildlife Center by Dr. Martha Smith-Blackmore of Forensic Veterinary Investigations, a company that specializes in providing help for criminal cases involving animal abuse.

Readers on the Weymouth News’ story were disgusted by Campbell’s actions.

“[W]ould be amusing if she ran into someone in a rage in jail, poor little defenseless kitten didn’t have a chance she never should be allowed sny type of pet or animal and hopefully will send some time,” said one.

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