In any judicial system there will always be instances where the courts sentence an innocent person to jail or don’t sentence a killer to jail for some obscure technical reason.
However there are also cases that are so outrageous they call into question the entire effectiveness of a judicial system. Speisa reported that one of those cases occurred in Sweden where the leader of a gang of people who raped a woman has been released from jail.
Hedayat Rahmati was one of eight Afghani men who gang raped a young Swedish mother at an asylum center in what is considered one of the worst crimes in modern Swedish legal history.
“He was the one who started the abuse. The first time it was common vaginal intercourse. Then they took turns raping her. Both vaginally and anally. They pressed it (penises) so deep down her throat that she had difficulty breathing,” read the verdict.
Rahmati was sentenced to jail for six years, and after his prison sentence was completed the verdict that was issued stated that he was to be “expelled” from Sweden for 15 years.
However justice failed in this case and Rahmati was released after only four years. This sicko served only four years for traumatizing a woman so severely that she was confined to a wheelchair and a psychiatric clinic for four weeks.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Rahmati won’t even be deported from Sweden because the government of Afghanistan, a nation whose people are over 99 percent Muslim, doesn’t want him back. So the government of Sweden decided to just let a sadistic rapist back out on the streets rather than try to protect its own citizens.
If the government of Sweden had a spine, they would ship Rahmati back to Afghanistan and tell that government to deal with the problem themselves. After all, Rahamti is an Afghan citizen — it’s not like Sweden is shipping one of their own citizens to Afghanistan.

Sources: 10 News
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