Why Rap Legend Ice Cube Turned Down Nine Million Dollars Is…

Ice Cube, a rapper and actor, made a surprising and noteworthy display of personal conviction when he turned down a $9 million role in a movie because of the movie’s vaccination requirement. He did this in order to express his concerns about the growing influence of corporate conglomerates and what he views as an infringement on personal freedoms.

The rapper, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, opened up about the instance where he turned down a $9 million offer in a recent interview with Joe Rogan on Thursday.

Before the production firm mandated that all cast and crew members receive the COVID-19 vaccine, Ice Cube was set to act with Jack Black in Sony’s upcoming comedy picture “Oh Hell No,” which is being helmed by “Bad Trip” director Kitao Sakurai.

Ice Cube rejected the job as a result of the directive, which he believed was a result of the studio rather than the producers. His decision finally became known, despite his initial effort to keep it private. His decision to refuse such a huge sum of money sparked a wave of criticism, with many people labeling him as dumb.

“I didn’t tell people that I’m not doing this movie because I don’t want to be vaccinated. But somehow, some way, the news hit the I don’t know if Hollywood Reporter or somebody put it out that this is why Cube is not doing the movie. And I thought it was chicken sh*t. It’s like, what happened to the HIPAA laws… where you’re not supposed to reveal a person’s medical status,” Ice Cube told Joe Rogan.

“[Media] want people to tell me, you turn it down $9 million, you stupid. I’ll do anything for $9 million. How stupid can Cube be?”

Although he maintains his position, Ice Cube claims he did not lose $9 million because it was never his to begin with. He made it apparent that no sum, not even $20,000,000, is worth putting one’s health at danger by being publicly shamed and under pressure to comply with the order.

“I don’t care if it was 20 million. That was never going to happen. And if you got injured from that vaccine, you would have paid that 20 million to be healthy again,” said Ice Cube.

Despite the backlash, Ice Cube remains resolute in his stance, urging others to resist when they can and use their leverage when they have it. In a world he views as increasingly shaped by powerful corporations, he urges others to “push back when we can.”

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So, is there ANYTHING American-made anymore?

The answer to that question is most definitely YES!

And it’s why I’m so passionate about my new mission.

I NEVER leave you with just the problem.

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Because here’s what I realized…

You THINK you have a choice between all these companies listed below in the circle, but what most people don’t realize is they’re all owned by only 11 companies.  


Interesting number.

Will probably be even less than that in the future when these merge even further.


It’s an ILLUSION of choice.

The same goes for all your media…

It’s just an ILLUSION of different choices, but owned by these 6 companies:

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But that’s a whole other topic!

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Me too!

The reason you’ve never heard of them is because it’s Invite Only.

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It’s the real deal, and because they don’t raise the Black Angus as the big companies do, they may have the SHUT OFF invites if they grow too fast.

So if you want in, let me know soon.

There’s only one pro-American, American-made and manufactured, chemical-free, toxin-free, hormone-free, company left….and I’m teaming up with them to FIGHT BACK!

Who’s with me?

Watch this:



Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda? msha.ke/danielledeperi

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