• July 26, 2024

Westboro Baptist Freaks Try To Picket Marine’s Funeral, Didn’t Expect THESE Guests

 Westboro Baptist Freaks Try To Picket Marine’s Funeral, Didn’t Expect THESE Guests


When word got out the Westboro Baptist Church was going to picket a Marine’s funeral, a group of veterans knew exactly what they had to do.

Marine Cpl. Richard Bennet died at the age of 25 in a helicopter crash in Iraq. The Westboro Baptist Church reportedly chose to protest at his funeral because it believes God kills members of the military due to America’s acceptance of homosexuality, reports Little Things.

Bennet’s family was devastated when it heard the group would be picketing his funeral, but fortunately, it had some good people on its side.

Biker group The Patriot Guard announced it would be attending the funeral to keep the Westboro Baptist Church out and give the family the peace it deserved.

“No family should have to face this type of hatred on the day that they’re putting their loved ones to rest,” said Ken Van, pastor and member of The Patriots Guard. “Bennet died defending our sacred freedoms, and he even died to give the fringe members of the Westboro Baptist Church the right to picket his own funeral, but just because they have the right to speak doesn’t mean we have to listen.”

The Patriots Guard showed up at Bennet’s funeral and formed a human fence around the premises, with each member holding an American flag. They used their motorcycles’ engines to drown out the sounds of the Westboro Baptist Church’s chants.

Watch a video of The Patriot Guard protecting Bennet’s funeral below.

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