• July 26, 2024

View Host Joy Behar Taking HEAT For Comments About Melania And President Trump

 View Host Joy Behar Taking HEAT For Comments About Melania And President Trump


“The View” co-host Joy Behar is known for sounding off when it comes to politics, but some people are saying that her comments about First Lady Melania Trump have gone too far.

On the March 14 episode, cast members from “The View” broke down the relationship dynamic between President Donald Trump and his wife as they speculated whether or not the couple was in love.

“What’s their relationship like?” Behar asks in the video clip. “Is she suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? He’s got her as … a hostage up in this Trump Tower. She’s like Rapunzel. Let down your hair, Melania!”

Behar’s comments came while she and her co-hosts looked at a clip from the president’s Jan. 20 inauguration in which the couple makes eye contact, and Melania smiles at her husband but her face quickly drops into a frown as soon as he looks away.

Some said that the moment didn’t mean anything and suggested that Melania simply does not like to smile very much, but Behar said that it was indicative of a strained marriage.

“Compare them to the Obamas who looked like they loved each other,” Behar adds. “I don’t believe these two. I don’t buy it.”

Some YouTube viewers agreed with Behar.

“They are not together…” one person commented. “Come on. You can see it a mile away. This is strictly for appearances.”

Another said that Melania’s reasons for staying in the marriage are “obvious.”

“He may not treat her as an equal, but for some women that’s alright for a price,” they added.

But not everybody bought it. Several people defended the first lady.

“All they do on this show is complain about Trump,” wrote one person. “Give it a break.”

Even some liberals took Mrs. Trump’s side.

“That poor lady has to be miserable,” wrote another person. “Laughed at by the left… what are we bullies now? and made a ventriloquist dummy by the right.. she isn’t a doll. She seems to be a person who did what she could to set herself up for the best position possible in this world … I’m saddened by how women, especially, are treating her.”

Behar has come under fire before for her controversial statements, even to the point that people have called on producers of “The View” to fire her from the show. In one instance in October 2016, Behar sparked outrage after she called the women accusing former President Bill Clinton of raping them “tramps,” according to Hollywood Take.

“I want to apologize,” she said at the time. “I never, ever intend to belittle sexual assault and the women who are victims of it ever… I made a joke… I’m sorry.”


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