• July 26, 2024

This Self Made Billionaire’s Brutal Message To Young People Is Absolutely Perfect….

 This Self Made Billionaire’s  Brutal Message To Young People Is Absolutely Perfect….

This is the kind of guy who ought to be giving commencement speeches, with messages that young Americans might not want to hear but that they could genuinely use.

While Oprah Winfrey, a billionaire, can blather to graduates about all things woke, and the president of the United States may fill his speeches to students with hallucinations about “white supremacy” (for a black audience), New York City business mogul John Catsimatidis is providing a different perspective.

And it’s a more effective recipe for success than anything the left will ever provide.

In an interview that was covered by the U.K.’s Daily Mail on Sunday, Catsimatidis summarized the key to success in terms that were practically common among earlier American generations:

Nothing worthwhile ever comes easily.

“That’s one of the problems we are having in our country these days,” Catsimatidis told the Daily Mail. “The kids are busy playing TikTok.”

“The harder you work, the easier it gets to win,” he said. “Look at people only working three days a week, and I’ll show you failures.”


Too many young Americans are being bombarded with victimization messages, whining about “injustice,” and expressing outrage against a nation where practically everything is possible.

Of course, since there have been older generations with younger ones to reprimand, older generations have been berating the young about their work ethic.

With ready-made justifications for failure (“Systemic racism!” “Misogyny!” “Climate change!”), and targets to blame (typically white, male, and almost always conservative), older generations are also giving the easiest way out for the generations to come in 21st-century America.

And the poison is constantly being spread via technology that almost everyone has at their disposal, especially younger people.

President Joe Biden visited Howard University in Washington, D.C., on Sunday to give a commencement speech that was mostly made up of progressive talking points and not much more.

“The most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland is white supremacy,” Biden told grads at one of the country’s premier historically black colleges and universities. It wasn’t even close to being true, but it was applauded by a crowd that had just been given what it wanted to hear.

(Biden omitted to explain that the last effective “white supremacy” proponents were members of his own party who served as his mentors when he first entered the Senate.)

As Fox News reported, Winfrey used her time at Tennessee State University earlier in May to urge the students there to devote their lives to liberal causes like combating climate change, ending ostensibly systemic racism, advancing gay rights, pushing for gun control, and opposing a Supreme Court majority that upholds the Constitution’s terms. She even managed to incorporate the Capitol assault somehow.

“We live on a planet where there is more than enough wrong to keep you busy trying to make things right for the rest of your natural life,” Oprah said.

Yes, making something of oneself might help at first. That’s where Catsimatidis would step in, bringing with him a success tale that practically shouts, “Only in America.”

In his February memoir “How Far Do You Want to Go: Lessons from a Common-Sense Billionaire,” Catsimatidis detailed the events of his life.

According to the Daily Mail, when Catsimatidis was just 6 months old, his family emigrated to the US from Greece.

He told the publication that his mother “threw me off the couch” and sent me out to find a job once I finished high school, which is how my business career began.

According to Catsimatidis, who is now 74 years old, his career began when he began working 70-hour weeks at a supermarket. This was the beginning of a career that would make him an authentic American success story. He has accumulated assets of about $4 billion and is the proprietor of the Red Apple Group, a diverse business that includes real estate and the New York-based supermarket chain Gristedes.

Who can determine his political stance? He is a Republican who unsuccessfully ran for mayor of New York in the Republican primary in 2013. According to the Washington Examiner, he is also a pragmatic enough businessman to have donated to both parties, but he has also stated that he is willing to put up a large sum of money for pretty much any Republican who wins the nomination in order to kick Biden out of the White House.

The weekly radio program “The Cat’s Roundtable,” hosted by Catsimatidis, is a prominent voice that attracts prominent figures on the right, including columnist and political strategist Dick Morris, former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.


Sadly, American lefties are unlikely to seriously consider Catsimatidis as a source of advice due to his politics alone, but there’s no doubt that he sets a good example for young Americans to emulate.

They might also do much worse, like sign up as Democrats, vote for them, and join the party that is committed to the nation’s shameful abdication of its responsibilities for both global leadership and the riches and welfare of its own citizens. (For example, inviting untold numbers of illegal immigrants to enter the country over the southern border is insulting to the notion of global leadership and harmful to the health and welfare of Americans already living here.)

To succeed in life, however, they must first put in the effort required, as Catsimatidis stated to the Daily Mail, they must get their minds off of TikTok and their smartphones in general.

The vast majority of parents would be thrilled to hear that graduating speech. One that a contemporary liberal will never concede.


The woke agenda is being promoted everywhere.

Not only is it being promoted on television, and in movies, but that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Even the stores that we shop at are funding the very liberal, commie, woke agendas that we are doing our best to rail against.

Now, we have to deal with our meat being pumped full of this new mRNA junk!

So, there here are the three questions to ask before you shop:
What agendas, if any, is this company funding?
What narratives are being pushed by this company?
Do I trust that the products I’m buying are safe?
These corporate conglomerates have brainwashed us into thinking their products are the only products. And if they’re budget-friendly they must be all we can get.
This is categorically untrue.
There are safer, more affordable alternatives out there 😉

We need to stop funding these woke companies and I have an amazing alternative for you.

The only “catch”?

It’s only by referral.

Good thing you know someone that can refer you and that is me.

So, click this link and I can send you some information on shopping with an American-made, patriot-owned store that also has grass-fed beef.

They have everything that we are already buying.

Laundry detergent, hair care, skin care, vitamins, snacks, essential oils, candles, weight loss,  a complete baby line, discounts on health care, a security system, and even an identity protector for our online presence.

👇    👇     👇  

watch the video below and then click the link!

Don’t worry, your information is not kept or sold.
That is a guarantee. I just want to defund the left as badly as you all do.
Oh, and send me any topics you would like me to cover too! I always need new story ideas and leads.


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