These Before And After Pictures Of Meth Users Will Shake You To Your Core!

One of the things that I personally think kept me from using drugs of any kind when I was in my teens was the fact that my school would do these assemblies every so often showing the before and after pictures of long time drug users.

As I became an adult, I enjoyed the fact that I was making money on my own and when I joined the military was making pretty good money for a kid from a small town in the Midwest. I did not want to mess any of that up.

Also, knowing that they could drug test you at any time and if you so much as had a speck of any drugs in your system you would be in some deep crap helped keep me from doing drugs. In that respect, I wish I could have done the same thing for a cousin of mine.

His drug of choice was meth and during the time I would have been around him I had no idea what in the heck it was and knew that it was never a good idea to put anything in my body that I hadn’t heard of before.

A couple of years ago, I got a phone call from one of my uncles. They had found my cousin somewhere dead from a heart attack with a meth pipe in his hand. At the funeral, he looked nothing like the vibrant young man that I knew in my youth. He looked so old and worn out. It was scary.

I’ve got kids now and I show them things like what you are about to be shown in the hope that they never go anywhere near crap like that.

Via Buzznick:

Drugs are not only horrible for your health, but they can do a lot more damage too.

They are addicting and the withdrawal from them is almost too hard to handle.

But a lot of times, people who use drugs don’t realize how much of an effect it has on them. Below are some before and after pictures of drug users.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionThis is Shaun, the first picture he was only 19. The right one, he is still young and only 34. Meth ages you.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionHere is Darlene, you wouldn’t realize it but there are only two years in between these photos.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionThis is Dawn, the picture on the left she was 24, the picture on the right, 28.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionIn 3 short years, Devan went from a beautiful young girl at 21 to a drug abuser at 24.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionJordan was absolutely gorgeous at 23, until drugs took over her life at age 25.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of Addiction6 years does a lot to a person using Meth. First picture is at 32, second is at 38.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionThe most shocking, the first picture is Krystal at 27.  One year and lots of drugs later is the second picture.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionMatthew at age 19 probably had things going for him until he chose drugs. The after picture is him at 28.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of AddictionA short period of time using drugs can cause a lot of damage, Crystal is 27 and is still only 27 in the after.

You Will Never Want To Do Drugs After Seeing These Faces Of Addiction

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