Last night, lawmakers in Alabama took the first step to making sure that Confederate monuments in their state do not suffer the same fate as those in other states. Friday the legislature approved sweeping protections for Confederate monuments, in addition to names and other historic memorials following last weeks massacre of memorials in New Orleans.
Socialist organizations like ANTIFA, BLM, The New Black Panther Party and some members of the media have a concerted effort to deface and destroy the monuments in the interest of inclusiveness. The attempt to re-write and erase history has become the “prime directive” of the Left, much like the destruction of world heritage sites by the Taliban and ISIS.
Merely sleeping through History classes is no longer an acceptable method of ignoring our culture and history. Now it’s necessary for them to destroy it in an attempt to spare their snowflakes from the facts of life. Alabama’s new measure “would prohibit the relocation, removal, alteration, renaming, or other disturbance of any architecturally significant building, memorial building, memorial street, or monument” that has stood on public property for 40 or more years.” In addition, changes to names or memorials installed between 20 and 40 years ago would need permission from a new state commission.
As could be expected, Liberal African-American lawmakers opposed the bill at every step of the legislative process, arguing that it solidifies a shameful legacy of slavery. “You say we are protecting history. We are not protecting history. We are protecting monuments that represent oppression to a large part of the people in the state of Alabama,” said Sen. Hank Sanders, an African-American Democrat from Selma.
Supporters responded that the measure would protect all history — not just Confederate symbols. Sen. Gerald Allen, criticized what he called a “wave of political correctness” wiping out monuments to people he said were historically significant even if they had their personal flaws.
A prime example of which is the recent removals of both the statues of Robert E. Lee and General Beauregard from the New Orleans landscape this week. While both men did lead the armies of the Confederacy, Lee had freed his slaves before the war started, and only accepted the leadership of the confederate army out of his duty to his home state of Virginia. While Beauregard was a prominent member of New Orleans society, and city leader that designed and built the city’s first drainage and pump system to prevent its flooding during tropical storms.
City governments around the South are reconsidering the appropriateness of monuments honoring the Confederacy. Apparently, these highly intelligent leaders have forgotten the warning given to us by Winston Churchill when he said: “those that fail to learn from the message of history, are destined to repeat the same mistakes over.”
Rep. Mack Butler, R-Rainbow City asked his colleagues, “Are you good with the sanitizing of history as we are seeing in New Orleans?”. His opponents countered that local governments should be able to decide what’s appropriate for their communities obviously not understanding that you can’t change history by destroying it. The only thing that changes it, is to learn its lessons and not repeat it’s mistakes.