Spectators Attack Kickboxer After Wild ‘Coward Punch’ KO [VIDEO]

The crazy sequence of events was initiated when Groenhart landed a powerful knee on the head of his opponent, Harut Grogian.

Confused and dazed, Grogian breaks the cardinal rule of combat sports and turns his back on his opponent before apparently walking back to his corner, despite the referee not calling an end to the round.

Commentators suggested that Grogian might have been walking back to his corner for treatment after copping the knee. Unsurprisingly Groenhart then throws what many would describe as a ‘coward punch’ against his defenseless opponent, completely knocking him out.

Grogian falls to the ground in a heap, while Groenhart walks back to his corner and celebrates.


Next minute all hell break loose as angry spectators break into the ring and run at the victor. They managed a couple of shots on Groenhart before security and even Grogian’s trainer manage to pull them off.

Source: YahooSports

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