Scumbag Director Joss Whedon Calls Ivanka Trump A Dog On Twitter

How many of you can recall the love fest that liberals had have with Barack Obama and the majority of his administration? I am certain you also remember how they lambasted anyone who dared utter even one remark that could be construed as being directed at Barack and Michelle’s kids.

Well, fast forward to 2017 when it is acceptable to attack the family of a president so long as the president is Republican.

From Breitbart:

Social media erupted after Avengers director Joss Whedon attacked President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner and compared his wife, Ivanka Trump, to a dog.

“Hey, keep your eyes on this fu*king prize too. He’s a Voldemort in training,” Whedon wrote on Twitter Tuesday, sharing a photo of Jared Kushner standing next to Trump in the Oval Office.

“Unlike the Pekingese he married under, can play the long game,” Whedon wrote, comparing Ivanka to the dog breed.


Social media users didn’t hesitate to call the director out for his attacks on President Trump’s children.




Some users pointed out what they called Whedon’s hypocrisy in attacking Ivanka Trump; the director is a self-described feminist.




Shortly after Trump’s victory in November, Whedon said Trump cannot “cannot be allowed a term in office.”

“It’s not about 2018. It’s about RIGHT NOW,” he wrote.

The writer-producer has also used social media to attack other members of the Republican party.

Earlier this month, Whedon wrote on Twitter that he hoped House Speak Paul Ryan would be killed in a gruesome way.


Whedon also posted a meme mocking Nicole Kidman as being a “puppet for Trump” after the actress said Americans need to rally around Trump.


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