How long should sex last? One minute? Five minutes? You’ve probably wondered about it for one reason or another.
Below, we’ve got some more information on the matter, and the numbers might surprise you. Find out if you’re below, above, or just about average — and don’t worry, the final figures aren’t as intimidating as you might think.
Everyone wonders if the sex they’re having is “average” or not.
It’s not as if knowing would actually improve your sex life — but it doesn’t hurt to know, does it?
Well, in one study conducted by the University of Queensland in Australia has set out to find the average.
In the study, the observed 500 sexually active couples from around the world.
Interestingly, the average times varied greatly.
The lowest time was 33 seconds — otherwise known as a quickie.
The longest? 44 minutes.
So naturally, the average has to be somewhere in the middle, right?
Here are more of the findings: “It didn’t much matter which country the couples came from either – unless they came from Turkey, in which case their sex tended to be significantly shorter (3.7 minutes) than couples from other countries (Netherlands, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States).”
So what’s the average overall?
According to this study, the average is a whopping 5.4 minutes.
That average is pretty short, isn’t it.
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