A home schooled girl from the state of Virginia is speaking out after she was kicked out of the home school program prom. The reason why? She alleges it was all because a group of perverted dads couldn’t keep their eyes off of her.
The story originated on Wine and Marble, a blog run by Hannah Ettinger. Hannah’s sister Clare, a 17-year-old home schooled senior, wrote of her recent prom experience on the blog.
According to Clare, her boyfriend had purchased them tickets to the prom in advance, and she was really excited about her dress choice for the evening. She complied with the homeschool association’s dress code, which stated that a girl’s dress must be “finger length.” When she arrived at the prom, one of the organizers stopped her to tell her that her dress was too short. After showing her that it was finger length, the woman allowed her to continue on into the prom, but unfortunately for Clare, that was just the beginning of her problems.
“When I got into the ballroom I laughed, because I was surrounded by girls in much shorter dresses then me, albeit they were shorter, and therefore stood out less in the crowd, but it was still frustrating” recalled Claire. “I joined my group of friends, (there were six of us), and told them what happened, they were all appalled, especially considering we’ve been attending this prom all four years of high school and usually wore much shorter dresses then we chose this year. We were also a little grossed out by all the dads on the balcony above the dance floor, ogling and talking amongst themselves.”
Clare says she was suddenly approached by the same woman and asked to step outside. When she did, the woman told her that some of the dads had complained that she was dancing inappropriately and that her dress was too short. Clare made it clear that she wasn’t dancing at all and once again showed the woman that her dress was the appropriate length, but the advisor just wasn’t listening. In the end, Clare and her group of friends were kicked out of the prom, and despite that the fact that they were all told they would get refunds for the tickets, Clare was the only one who got her money back.
“I was told that the way I dressed and moved my body was causing men to think inappropriately about me, implying that it is my responsibility to control other people’s thoughts and drives,” said Claire.
Since the incident, angry people from all over took to the Facebook page of the Richmond Homeschool Prom to express their disgust at the situation, and the administrators deleted all the comments. Now, it appears that they have deleted their page altogether.
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