While the establishment corporate media continues to attack Donald Trump from any angle they can perhaps no issue incites anger more than their claims that Donald Trump will use create database registry of Muslim immigrants which they claim he will use to ti authorize Nazi-style gestapo squads to rounding millions of people for placement in holocaust style interment camps.
Indeed, the media continually attacks Donald Trump for publicly advocating for a database registry to track Muslim immigrants coming into the United States from areas of Islamic extremism so they can be flagged for properly vetted.
The corporate media outrage of President-elect Donald Trump merely suggesting such a registry in disingenuous at the least.

In fact, one of several parting gifts President Obama is giving Donald Trump as he leaves office is today’s announcement that the United States Muslim Nseers registry registry database will be completely dismantled before Trump takes office.
Obama’s announcement comes even though the program and its predecessors have been in place for over 15 years following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
This leaves serious lingering questions for anyone who approaches America’s National Security from a non-ideological pragmatic perspective.
Case in point, Why was it so vital to violate the constitutional rights of millions of Muslims under the Bush and Obama Presidencies, which cited national security for the not only the registry but widespread FBI surveillance of those in the registry, only to now dismantle the program and the intelligence collected in the registry just because Trump is coming into office?
Liberals will clearly argue that Obama is deleting the registry so Trump doesn’t abuse it as Hitler style black list to justify the deportation of non-whites but claims of racism, xenophobia, misogyny have all so far been proven to be nothing more than fake news.
Trump is not Hitler. Instead it is clear that both Obama and Bush decided for 15 years the intelligence collected in the Nseers registry since 9/11 is matter of National Security. A matter worth suspending Constitutional rights for being our nation is in a time of war and such suspensions of the constitution were necessary to protect our citizenry from our enemies. If either Obama or Bush disagreed they surely would have dismantled the program during their 8 year in the oval office, right?
The war is clearly not over. Daily news headlines show the United States at home and our allies abroad continue to be attacked by terrorists even though the United States and its allies continue to offer an olive branch that includes open borders while the west backs terrorist rebel efforts in places such as Syria.
Regardless of politics the Nseers registry is all but guaranteed to to contain intelligence on extremists and their links an affiliations that will undoubtedly be used to launch attacks on U.S. soil, and in the lands of America’s allies, over the next 8 years. Clearly dismantling it will cause huge setbacks for any efforts from Donald Trump, and intelligence agencies under his command, who will pick up the torch in a multi-decade effort to fight Islamic extremism across the globe.
Clearly this must be the case. Otherwise the corporate media has lied to Americans for 15 years to provide an excuse for unjustifiable surveillance of Americans under the false pretense of National Security. Good Americans know the media wouldn’t lie to them especially about matters of National Security. They would never march along to orders from the state only to make a sudden about face that flies in 15 years of their reporting.
From The Guardian:
Registry used to track Arabs and Muslims dismantled by Obama administration
Department of Homeland Security will tear down Nseers, in an attempt to place a roadblock in front of Donald Trump’s declared intention to ban Muslims
The Obama administration is dismantling a discriminatory surveillance system that was used after 9/11 to keep tabs on Arabs and Muslims across the US, in a move that will make it more difficult for president-elect Donald Trump to achieve his goal of introducing a Muslim registry.
Thursday’s announcement by the Department of Homeland Security that it is tearing down the remnants of the National Security Entry-Exit Registration System (Nseers) marks the most audacious attempt yet by Barack Obama to place roadblocks in the way of his successor’s declared intentions. A key element of Trump’s bid for the White House was his threat to prevent non-citizen Muslims from entering the US and to keep them under surveillance once inside the country.
The Nseers program was one of the most contentious – and widely hated – elements of the Bush administration’s anti-terror policies in the wake of 9/11. More than 80,000 people from 25 listed countries, 24 of which had majority Muslim or Arab populations, were forced onto the scheme in which they were required to provide fingerprints and a photograph and periodically present themselves for in-person interviews with DHS officers.
About 14,000 of those individuals were placed into deportation proceedings. Yet not a single individual was found to have any links to terrorist or violent activities.
“The extreme mental, emotional distress, the financial problems, the pressures on a family and the isolation that happens is a punishment not just for one person, but everyone involved.”
Joanne Lin, legislative counsel with the ACLU, which was also at the front line of opposition to Nseers, said it was a “completely failed counterterrorism program. Out of 80,000 men who registered for it, there was not a single terrorism prosecution, yet it alienated Muslim and South Asian communities across the country. So we are very pleased that the Obama administration has moved to end it.”
Obama has come under intense lobbying in recent days from human rights and Muslim American groups to do something about the Nseers system. Though the current president has generally acted cautiously in avoiding any impression that he wants to foil Trump’s policies, his move to unpick the surveillance scheme is a sign of how opposed he is to his successor’s threats to put Muslims under the governmental spotlight.
Nseers was allowed to fall into abeyance in 2011 after DHS and FBI officials concluded that it was discriminatory and ineffective. But the framework for the registry remained in place until this week, meaning that it could easily and quickly have been revived by the incoming Trump administration simply by putting majority Muslim countries back onto the list.
Now with the posting of the DHS order dismantling the final remnants of the scheme, it will be much more difficult for Trump to implement his avowed intent to place Muslims under renewed surveillance. The final order tearing down Nseers will be posted on Friday, with immediate effect.
Professor Shoba Sivaprasad Wadhia, director of the Center for Immigrants’ Rights clinic at the Pennsylvania State University, said that the rescinding of the Nseers structure would put a break on Trump’s plans. “At the very least it is going to take time. At most it will take a whole lot of time, as it will force the Trump administration to introduce a rule change that could be open to public comment and legal challenge.”
Wadhia added: “This is the best Christmas present I could have asked for.”
The contentious call for a ban on all Muslims entering the US became a cornerstone of Trump’s presidential campaign. He later changed that posture to proposing the introduction of “extreme vetting” of newcomers with a focus on a number of identified countries deemed a terrorism threat.
Kris Kobach, one of the original architects of Nseers who has been advising the Trump transition team on immigration and anti-terrorism, proposed last month as his no 1 priority for homeland security that he would “update and reintroduce” the surveillance program.
Gregory Chen, director of advocacy at the American Immigration Lawyers Association, said that Nseers had “upended the lives of tens of thousands of businessmen, scientists, families and other individuals lawfully present in our country. The Obama administration has publicly acknowledged that the program is obsolete and unnecessary as a counter-terrorism tool.
H/T: Higgins News Network