Obama Goes Off Rails As Trump Dissolves Paris Accord

Reuters and the Washington Post are reporting that former President Obama has gone off the rails and is violently criticizing President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord. They are reporting that on Thursday, Obama called the decision one that threatens to undermine the American economy.


Meanwhile President Trump says he is trying to boost the sluggish economy by leaving the restrictive international pact. But Obama insists that the deal was a necessary one and should be maintained. “A year and a half ago, the world came together in Paris around the first-ever global agreement to set the world on a low-carbon course and protect the world we leave to our children,” Obama said in a statement today that was issued to reporters.

Obviously, Obama was not happy with Mr. Trumps decision to scrap the deal that he sees as the cornerstone of his presidency and his legacy. “It was steady, principled American leadership on the world stage that made that achievement possible. It was bold American ambition that encouraged dozens of other nations to set their sights higher as well,” he added. “And what made that leadership and ambition possible was America’s private innovation and public investment in growing industries like wind and solar – industries that created some of the fastest new streams of good-paying jobs in recent years, and contributed to the longest streak of job creation in our history.”

But unfortunately, the facts say otherwise. Under Obama, the nations economy continued to crawl along, showing on average a 1-2% increase per quarter for the last several years. Something that is simply not acceptable for a nation with a third of its people out of work thanks to restrictive government policies and failed government leadership.

But Obama staunchly defends his decision saying; β€œThe U.S. will be at a disadvantage compared with other nations whose participation will spur innovation. Simply put, the private sector already chose a low-carbon future.”

However, Mr. Trump said the decision to withdraw from the Paris accord was a precursor to beginning new negotiations that could lead to the U.S. rejoining the agreement – or a new one – involving what he said would be more favorable terms for American workers and businesses. “We’re going to have the cleanest air, we’re going to have the cleanest water, we will be environmentally friendly,” Trump said in the White House Rose Garden on Thursday. “But we’re not going to put our businesses out of work, we’re not going to lose our jobs. We’re going to grow. We’re going to grow rapidly.”

Mr. Obama seems to have conveniently forgotten about the billions of dollars that his administration gave to pro solar and wind businesses that went toes up shortly after receiving the taxpayer grants leaving our nations already strapped citizens holding the bag once again for a bunch of fat cat liberal dreamers that only succeeded in producing bigger bank accounts for themselves.

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