Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

Man With TWO Girlfriends Has Interesting Name For Their Relationship [PHOTOS]

Being in a relationship with one person is tough enough. Getting used to the person’s quirks, faults, and moods can take some time and dedication. Imagine having an extra person to dedicate your life to. Quite a few people believe relationships are meant for more than two people. Let’s meet a family with those exact beliefs and see how well it works for them.

10. Not A Normal Couple

A polyamorous relationship consists of more than two people. Either a couple has an open relationship where they can see other people or a third person has joined in the relationship. These types of relationships are more common than you would think. Let’s meet some people in a polyamorous relationship in #9.

9. Meet The “Trouple”

< This group is a family in a polyamorous relationship. They call themselves a “trouple” and they already have two kids and are expecting a third. Adam Lyons is the lone male in the relationship. He has two girlfriends, Brooke Shedd and Jane Shalakhova. They explain what being polyamorous adds to the relationship in #8. 8. A Extra Set Of Hands

The “trouple” says having an extra parent makes life easier for everyone involved. Brooke’s eldest son Oliver loves having an extra person to hang out with. Adam was believed to be one of the luckiest men alive. Although having two girlfriends could get stressful, the fact that they get along only makes things better.

7. All About The Kids

As soon as they brought their first children into the world, their focus has been on raising them. Oliver refers to his second mother as “Jane” but his younger brother calls her mom. They will also let the new addition to the family call her mom as well. Jane’s new role is explained further in #6.

6. Teaching Each Other To Parent

Jane was never sure if she wanted kids. Being in this relationship has allowed her to expand her motherly role. Surprisingly, they have had a successful time co-parenting thus far. It’s easy when everyone is on the same page and shares enough of their lives with each other to develop a loving and trusting relationship.

5. Where They Live

The three people involved share a king size bed. They live on a very large property in Austin. Adam and Jane use one house as a home office while the other house is reserved as living quarters where Brooke homeschools the children. We’ll go into how they handle criticism in #4.

4. Taking Scrutiny In Stride

The main focus of the “trouple” is family. They revel in the fact there is always someone available to watch the kids while they take turns going on dates and spending quality time together. They have obviously faced some intense scrutiny, but take it in stride. They have gone this far without anyone’s advice.

3. Changing Society’s Opinions

Many people told them their relationship wouldn’t last and would cause a lot of problems. They have proven their critics wrong and are still going strong after five years. They believe they are setting a good example and playing a pivotal role in changing society’s views on what relationships should be. They dream of the day when they can go through with #2.

2. Can’t Legally Make It Official

According to the law, the three polyamorous people are not allowed to get married to each other but hope they can change that one day. Brooke has expressed extreme interest in being able to have a wedding so she can prove her love and commitment to both Adam and Jane. Until then, #1 describes their current goals.

1. Happily Ever After

Adam, Brooke, and Jane are living happily while raising their children. They are living proof that families are made up of much more than one mom, one dad, two moms, or two dads. They insist this is not just a phase and hope their normal and happy children are proof of the benefits of being polyamorous.

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