Man Stabbed His 5yo Step-daughter to Death Then Set Her On Fire With Vodka [VIDEO]

A Michigan man sat on his five-year-old stepdaughter’s chest and stabbed her to death before setting her on fire because she kept asking him for food, a court heard Thursday.

Thomas McClellan, 25, of Holt, ‘snapped’ on November 1 when Luna Michelle Younger refused to leave his room until he gave her food, Detective Chuck Buckland said in a preliminary hearing in the 55th District Court in Mason.

McClellan is then alleged to have covered her body with sheets, poured vodka on it, and set it ablaze in the bedroom.

Luna was stabbed at least five times, a medical examiner said, and died of the wounds. She sustained burn wounds after her death from the fire.

As the flames spread through the ground-floor apartment, the Delhi Township fire department were called in to extinguish the blaze.

According to WDTN, McClellan has been charged with first degree murder, first-degree child abuse and first-degree arson. If convicted he faces up to life in prison.

H/T: Daily Mail

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