Trump Voters Are “LEGAL TERRORISTS”, Declares Liberal Slob Michael Moore


Left-wing filmmaker Michael Moore said in a recent interview that Donald Trump voters are “legal terrorist[s]” and that society should treat the Republican presidential candidate as it would a pedophile.

Moore made the provocative remarks in an interview with Rolling Stone while pitching a new documentary, “Michael Moore in Trumpland.”

Moore said he went to union halls for the film and met with longtime Democrats who are considering voting for Trump in November. His goal, he said, was to force them “to think about the damage they could do by being a legal terrorist on November 8th.”

Asked by Rolling Stone what he meant by “legal terrorist” and if he meant that the term applies to all Trump voters, Moore said he believes it does:

Any. Legally, you have a right to vote on November 8th. You can go in there and even though you’re not necessarily in favor of Trump and you don’t like him that much and you know he’s a little crazy, you also know he’s going to blow up the system. The system that took your job and house away from you. You get to get back at the system now and blow it up and this is the only day you can do it legally. He’s told everybody that’s what he’s going to do. He’s the outsider who is going to ride into town and blow up the old way. So you, as a voter, get to participate in the detonation. He’s going to get a lot of votes from people who actually just want to sit back and watch the thing blow up.

Moore, who supported Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary and has been critical of the Democratic establishment, ramped up his criticism of Trump.

“At the same time, you have to protect the population from him like you do with a pedophile,” Moore told Rolling Stone.

“A pedophile doesn’t need to be in prison; they’re sick. They have to be separated from us so they don’t hurt children. But you have to treat it that way.


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