Jenner Says President Trump’s Bathroom Order “IS A DISASTER”

Caitlyn Jenner is not happy with President Donald Trump.

Jenner, a lifelong Republican and Trump supporter, is upset over the president’s decision to reverse former President Barack Obama’s order forcing schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom for whichever gender they identify with. The Trump order allows states and/or individual schools to make those decisions, removing the issue from the national stage.

“This is a disaster,” Jenner said of the order.

During the campaign Trump said he’d be perfectly happy to allow Jenner, or any transgender person, to use whichever bathroom they wanted at any of his properties. But the choice to remove this issue from the federal level has upset Jenner.

“I have a message to the trans-kids of America: You’re winning,” Jenner said in a video posted to Twitter. “I know it doesn’t feel like it today, or everyday, but you’re winning. Pretty soon we’re going to win full freedom nationwide and it’s going to be with bipartisan support.”

“Now I have a message for the bullies,” Jenner continued, “you’re sick. And because you’re weak you pick on kids, you pick on women, or anyone else you think is vulnerable. Apparently even becoming the attorney general isn’t enough to cure some people of their insecurities. As proof, the Supreme Court will soon hear a very important Title IX case thanks to the courage of a very brave young man, Gavin Grimm.”

Grimm, who was born a girl but now identifies as a boy, is suing Gloucester County Public Schools in Virginia claiming they’re violating Title IX and the equal protection clause of the Constitution by not allowing the student to use the boys bathroom. The case is slated to be heard by the Supreme Court this spring.

Then Jenner spoke directly to President Trump. “Finally I have a message for President Trump from, well, one Republican to another: this is a disaster, and you can still fix it. You make a promise to protect the LGBTQ community. Call me.”


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