Iowa State Professor Gives Students Assignment To Think Like A Terrorist


The terrorist attacks that took down the Twin Towers in New York City on September 11, 2001, will forever be remembered as the worst terror attack to ever occur on American soil. But let’s just pretend as if it wasn’t.

This is the challenge most of the international student of lowa State University are facing in an assignment obtained by the College Fix.

The project stated:

“Write down in a paper the historical account of 911 from the view of the terrorist network”, in other words, how Al-Qaeda or non-Western might explained the issues.“

The terror attack was a heinous action and this will encourage the student to view it in another “perspective.”

It was mandatory for the university to describe the essay in minimum of 500 words essay.

An ISU spokesperson said, “the assignment was in no way an attempt to diminish the awful event that happened in the month of September 11, 2001” “either was it specifically designed to support the Al-Qaeda and the terrorist organization goals.

This is compare to the serious work performed by our nations diplomatic and the intelligence operations, like the bureau of intelligence and Research by the State Department and the central intelligence Agency.

The class was taught by a lecturer whose name is Mr. James Strohman and one of the members of the lowa Employment Appeal Board and a Democrat. The said lecturer has taught at ISU for almost 10years, according to his profile on the university portal.

The assignment was giving out during the week and it was awarded 4 points according to the online description.

ISU is located in Ames which is about almost 35 miles north of Des Moines.

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