Hoodlum Breaks into Home – Gets Shot By the ENTIRE Family [VIDEO]

A man who lived less than a mile from the house he broke into got the surprise of his life – the very last one as it turns out. He broke in through the back door of this home in the early hours of the morning.

The father, mother and son were all armed, and fired a warning shot to let the intruder know that he had only two options, retreat back into the night, or face a sure death.

And apparently the intruder chose “death” as he refused to leave and continued advancing into the kitchen, before being shot dead by the entire family.

The officer in the video is citing the Castle Doctrine. Even though the guy was not armed, he was warned and then did not retreat. The neighbors are being very supportive of the family.

President Barack Obama would have called this a senseless tragedy and called the intruder’s mother while President Trump would more than likely say, “Nice shot!”

Obviously everyone has a right to protect themselves, this family even took the risky option of firing a “warning shot” to alert this intruder that they were armed, imagine if this guy had a weapon and was also armed? I for one would never have given this guy the option, “family first, and family always!”

The dumbass intruder’s actions were almost as stupid as trying to rob a cop bar hangout.


H/T Guns League

Sassy Liberty

Sassy Liberty is a political writer for the better part of a decade. She has been vocal for years on social media concerning the communist agenda that has infiltrated our country. She is an advocate for medical freedom, homeschooling, and defunding the woke culture. Do you want to stop the war on kids and defund the commie agenda? msha.ke/danielledeperi

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1 Comment

  • He’s like the two guys who walked into a bar in North Philadelphia years ago a fired a shot into the ceiling to demonstrate their ferocity only to get the crap stomped out of them when patrons realized it was a single shot shotgun.

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