While this list is lengthy, it does not include categories like pistols, which make up a large percentage of the guns in the U.S. As such, the total numbers of guns in each state would actually be much higher than the figures here.
51. New York
New York comes in at number 51, with only 3.3 guns for every 1,000 residents. That’s 64,353 registered firearms dispersed among 19,651,127 people. k.
50. Rhode Island
For every 1,000 residents in Rhode Island, there are 3.8 guns. That’s 3,973 registered firearms dispersed among 1,051,511 people.
49. Delaware
For every 1,000 residents in Delaware, there are 4.2 guns. That’s 3,907 registered firearms dispersed among 925,749 people.
48. Michigan
For every 1,000 residents in Michigan, there are 4.3 guns. That’s 42,855 registered firearms dispersed among 9,895,622 people.
47. Massachusetts
For every 1,000 residents in Massachusetts, there are 4.9 guns. That’s 32,682 registered firearms dispersed among 6,692,824 people.
46. Hawaii
For every 1,000 residents in Hawaii, there are 5.1 guns. That’s 7,105 registered firearms dispersed among 1,404,054 people.
45. New Jersey
For every 1,000 residents in New Jersey, there are 5.8 guns. That’s 51,670 registered firearms dispersed among 8,899,339 people.
44. Iowa
For every 1,000 residents in Iowa, there are 6.1 guns. That’s 18,880 registered firearms dispersed among 3,090,416 people.
43. Vermont
For every 1,000 residents in Vermont, there are 6.4 guns. That’s 4,032 registered firearms dispersed among 626,630 people.
42. Mississippi
For every 1,000 residents in Mississippi, there are 6.8 guns. That’s 20,389 registered firearms dispersed among 2,991,207 people.
41. Nebraska
For every 1,000 residents in Nebraska, there are 7.4 guns. That’s 13,864 registered firearms dispersed among 1,868,516 people.
40. California
For every 1,000 residents in California, there are 7.6 guns. That’s 292,877 registered firearms dispersed among 38,332,521 people.
39. Wisconsin
For every 1,000 residents in Wisconsin, there are 7.8 guns. That’s 44,705 registered firearms dispersed among 5,742,713 people.
38. Missouri
For every 1,000 residents in Missouri, there are 8.5 guns. That’s 51,550 registered firearms dispersed among 6,044,171 people.
37. Washington
For every 1,000 residents in Washington, there are 8.6 guns. That’s 60,009 registered firearms dispersed among 6,971,406 people.
36. Maine
For every 1,000 residents in Maine, there are 8.7 guns. That’s 11,509 registered firearms dispersed among 1,328,302 people.
35. Illinois
For every 1,000 residents in Illinois, there are 9.2 guns. That’s 118,295 registered firearms dispersed among 12,882,135 people.
33 (tie). West Virginia
For every 1,000 residents in West Virginia, there are 9.4 guns. That’s 17,429 registered firearms dispersed among 1,854,304 people.
33 (tie). Arizona
For every 1,000 residents in Arizona, there are 9.4 guns. That’s 62,527 registered firearms dispersed among 6,626,624 people.
Continue the list HERE—> Pages: 2
There are estimated to be a lot more guns. What is listed here is only what the “authorities” know about. In the USA it is estimated there are 300 MILLION guns in private hands along with as much as a TRILLION rounds of ammunition. I find it funny that a mere THOUSAND PEOPLE in Washington think they are “in charge”.