The level of idiocy that has been on display from liberals in America and around the world since Donald Trump announced his candidacy has truly been astounding. From passing out dildos on campus to carrying signs with all sorts of profanity and vulgarity, they have gone to great lengths to prove which political party has the most “deplorable” supporters.
On Saturday, January 21st, there were women’s marches held all across America and around the world. The protests were being held in response to the election of Donald Trump as president, and seek to protect women’s rights, reproductive rights, and fight for issues like equal pay, civil rights and other social justice issues.
Michael Flynn Jr, the son of national security adviser candidate Michael Flynn, offered his point of view on the Women’s March On Washington that was being held.
Flynn Jr. took to Twitter, where he questioned the point of the march:
“What victory? Women already have equal rights, and YES equal pay in this country. What MORE do you want? Free mani/pedis?”
Flynn Jr. is no stranger to controversial remarks. He was removed from then President-elect Trump’s transition team after promoting fake news on his social media network.
Michael Flynn also promoted fake news on Twitter, but remains on Trump’s team as national security advisor. The position does not require confirmation from Congress.
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