• July 26, 2024

FAKE NEWS ALERT: ‘Nurses Versus MAGA Narrative’ Activists Dress Up In Scrubs and PPE

 FAKE NEWS ALERT: ‘Nurses Versus MAGA Narrative’ Activists Dress Up In Scrubs and PPE

Nothing makes me angrier than activists who profit from fake media propaganda and I’m here to write about it.

The media is running out of gas with ways to point blame at President Trump for Coronavirus, and they refuse to place any blame on the Chinese Communist Party. It’s evident that they now want nothing more than to create a “nurses versus MAGA narrative.” And, since Sunday, propaganda artists have successfully staged a few events to precisely do that.

During the protest against the unconstitutional shutdown in Denver, CO on Sunday, a few “nursing” activists (aka actors) caused a scene. When this started to go viral, I could not believe what I was witnessing on social media. I watched intelligent people entirely fall for this propaganda the minute it hit their screens — fellow Americans have become a bunch of suckers.

In my not so humble opinion, these actors should be prosecuted for defamation of honorable medical professionals. AND for causing a stir during an otherwise peaceful protest, one where most people were social distancing; these “nurses” were stopping people who were in their cars!

In some cases, these “health care workers” were caught reaching into cars and snatching signs from passengers before throwing the signs on the street. I’m sorry, but THE NURSES AND MEDICAL PROS I KNOW WOULD NEVER DO THIS.


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