We’ve written quite a few stories about sick, perverted, sexually abusive teachers over the years but this substitute teacher is one of the worst.
According to a report in 11Alive, a Carroll County, Georgia teacher at Mt. Zion Elementary School has been arrested for child molestation. 30-year-old Amelia Ressler has been charged with 19 counts of child sexual abuse after she “allegedly” pleasured herself in front of nineteen 8-year-old children during class!
The vile incident took place on January 28 at some point during the school day. The school would not elaborate on exactly what she did outside of the description of “pleasuring herself”. The Carroll County Sherriff’s Office was tipped off by staff at the school after receiving complaints of misconduct.
The substitute teacher and self-proclaimed feminist allegedly recorded herself in the act and disseminated the video.
The thirteen-second porn video begins by showing the small children in the classroom. Ressler then pans the video to her sex act. She posted the content to Snapchat. Police now have access to the original sex video with the children in it.
Carroll County Sheriff’s Office spokeswoman Ashley Hulsey slammed the school teacher calling her inappropriate behavior “disturbing.”
“Where she was sitting, it wasn’t like it was a closed desk and [the kids] couldn’t look up and visually see what she was doing at the time,” Hulsey told the news station.
“It appears she was masturbating while the classroom was full of kids,” Ashley Hulsey with the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office told Fox 5 Atlanta. “We obtained video evidence because she videoed it herself and disseminated it, and we were able to get a hold of that evidence.”
Here’s what the Sheriff’s Office said in a statement:
“We appreciate the dedication Carroll County Schools has for the safety of their students as we were contacted immediately following the allegations, and we will continue to work closely with them during the remainder of the investigation.”
Now, investigators want to know how badly the children were traumatized by the sex act. They will be conducting careful interviews with the children to determine the extent of the psychological damage.
“It’s one of these things the kids are going through that they shouldn’t,” said Hulsey. “The mental anguish that it’s causing these children and parents, that was our drive behind working this case, getting it down quickly, getting her to put in jail as quickly as possible. It’s disturbing. That’s what it is. Where she was sitting, it wasn’t like it was a closed desk and couldn’t look up and visually see what she was doing at the time.”
Ressler now faces felony charges for each student that was present during the incident and will remain in jail until her upcoming court appearance.
What in the entire f**k would make anyone think that this is remotely in a classroom full of children of any age much less a classroom full of 8-year-olds?!?!
Watch the video below for more details:
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