Cuba has banned the sale of alcohol during the nine days of state sanctioned mourning of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
According to, any indication that could reveal Cubans on the island were pleased by the death of Castro was immediately quashed. In Cienfuegos, since Castro’s death was announced, no one gathered in public places and authorities closed Jose Marti Park for upcoming commemorative events.
The mood in cities appears to be somber as opposed to the joyous atmosphere of Little Havana in Miami — home to Cuban exiles and their families in the United States, who are celebrating the death of the now deceased Cuban dictator.

Additionally, authorities evicted “drunkards” who were scattered about the pier in Cienfuegos. notes that there have been reports of detainees.
The sale of alcoholic beverages was suspended early throughout the city and later extended to the rest of the nation for nine days.
The city of Holguin had a similar experience with a ban on alcohol. Calixto García Park was closed to vehicular traffic and all cultural activities were suspended, 14Ymedio reports. Instead, a maintenance group is going in to paint, clean, and set up the Holguin Culture Hall in the La Periquera Provincial Museum, where the Holguin people will pay tribute to Castro.
“The Cuban on foot is as if nothing had happened. It’s the fear that there is, ” a biologist from Baracoa told 14Ymedio. “We are in communion of hope. I am not happy about his death, but he was an obstacle in Cuba’s changes. When the cosmetic changes began Fidel Castro put the lock and entrenched himself in radical positions”. He added, “The leader is not loved, he is feared. In these totalitarian societies you find fear of the boss, loyalty to the group and fear of change.”
Berta Soler, leader of the Ladies in White, indicated the group will suspend their routine Sunday march “in solidarity with the pain of others.” Soler noted, however, that they feel no sorrow for Castro. On the contrary, she said, they rejoice in his departure from earth.
Jose Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (Unpacu), said his organization does not celebrate the Cuban leader’s death, but the death of the system created by him and against which he will continue to fight. Ferrer remains concerned that dissidents like him will experience an increase in repression.