Commie Protesters Block Highway and Get Their Butts Run Over [VIDEO]

I don’t know when protesters will ever learn, but it really isn’t a good idea to block a highway.  You see, cars drive on the highways and some of those drivers will either be fed up by the protesters or the drivers could be as brainless as the protesters and either way it could ruin your whole day.

That’s exactly what happened in Brazil after the government got the crazy idea that the best thing for the economy is for the government to live within it’s means.

The government was proposing to cut retirement benefits and to raise the retirement age.  Many Brazilians spend more of their life on retirement than they do working.  Police, schoolteachers and college professors and many other public sector employees get to retire before they turn 50.

They get to retire on full pay and benefits.  To make matters worse, their population isn’t growing and the number of workers supporting the retired is worse than it is here in this country.

The ousted Workers’ Party (Commies) and its fans decided to block a highway to show their displeasure.

 Police in Brazil have arrested a motorist on suspicion of ploughing through a crowd of anti-austerity protesters in Sao Paulo.
Caught on camera by a number of bystanders, the shocking incident happened on Friday as demonstrators were protesting Brazil’s austerity government on Dutra highway.

READ MORE: Brazil’s economy enters worst recession on record

According to G1 Globo, the group invaded the eight-lane highway near the city Sao Jose dos Campos at around 1pm to voice opposition to the economic reforms being proposed by the government of President Michel Temer.

Footage shows at least 30 people, some carrying ‘General Strike’ placards, blocking traffic on an exit ramp before a dark colored Peugeot 307 tries to makes its way past.

Unable to navigate around the wall of protesters, the driver of the vehicle suddenly accelerates and bowls over a number people obstructing the road.

You get exactly what you ask for.

H/T Russia Today

Steven Ahle

I have been the editor and writer for Red Statements and The PC Graveyard. Won the 2014 FJN Journalist of the Year Award. Author of six fiction books available on "I am a troll bridge. You can cross me but you will pay the price"

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