Coffee Grounds Is The Key To Solving That Pesky Mosquito Problem This Summer [VIDEO]

The summer months are just about in full swing, which means that long, sunny days are here at last. Not only that but with Memorial Day in the rearview mirror, a lot of folks have already opened up their pools for the season.

With all of those fun summer activities, however, comes a less-than-fun issue: bugs. With the humidity on the rise, mosquitos, midges, and gnats are all ready to make you their summer cookout meal of choice. They won’t just feed on you either. They might leave you with a nasty, life-threatening gift like West Nile virus, Zika, or in extreme cases, malaria. The only thing you’ll need to stop this from happening, though, might surprise you.

Are you ready for this? The best way to keep those pests away from your summer fun might just be… coffee.

Summertime is basically in full-swing, which means that it’s time to start enjoying long, sunny days in the pool and delicious cookouts in the backyard! It also means that it’s time to start worrying about mosquitos.


Though we’re all familiar with the struggles of properly applying bug spray—and the itchy reminders when we fail to do so—there might just be a better solution to our seasonal pest problems… and all it takes is some coffee!

Café Coffee Machine Cups Beverage Coffee Maker

Well, unused coffee grounds, that is. (You can try used coffee grounds, too, but they won’t work as well.) You’ll also need a square of aluminum foil and a lighter. So, how do these three items have anything to do with bugs, you ask?


It might sound crazy, but you’re going to be lighting the coffee grounds on fire, and the results will actually work better than most bug repellents! Not only that, but it’s going to smell a whole heck of lot better!


That’s a truly genius idea. Everyone has coffee grounds around the house, or could easily get some, and it’s a much more pleasant way to keep the bugs away than with those stinky sprays!


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