(Gateway Pundit) – It Now Looks Like George Floyd, Not Derek Chauvin, Killed George Floyd.
The transcript from the body camera worn by J. Alexander Kueng shows clear evidence that George Floyd was suffering respiratory distress before police laid hands on him. He died from a Fentanyl overdose, not from being choked out by Minneapolis police. This news will not bring joy to the crazed, leftist mob screaming to lop off the heads of the Minneapolis police officers who stand accused of “murdering” George Floyd and little attention has been paid to the transcript since its release on July 7. I hope to correct that oversight.
First a note about Officer J. Alexander Kueng. He also is a black man. He was adopted shortly after birth by a white woman and single mother. Can’t have that story out there. Simply does not promote the meme that white Americans are inherently and irredeemably racist. How can a racist white woman be a loving mother to a black child? Racists don’t do that.
Here’s the link to the full transcript.
The incident starts with a store manager reporting that George Floyd had just given him a counterfeit bill.

The two officers (Kueng and Thomas Lane) go outside and begin the investigation by trying to get George Floyd out of his car:

Floyd was not cooperative. He was disoriented and not acting rationally. Floyd was accompanied by another black man. In contrast to Floyd, the other gentleman followed police instructions:

George Floyd was not passive nor cooperative despite media claims to the contrary. The video that fueled outrage across America tells a very misleading story. The words of the transcript are not lies.
Makes no difference what Floyd died from any sure they will find him guilty of something anyway. If they find him innocent the rioting will start over again so reason the find him guilty
It is really sad that the democrats don’t get the idea that when they point fingers at people all the time and blaming everyone else that there are 3 fingers pointing back at themselves. When they do this finger pointing it is usually to try to shift the blame to others when they themselves are the guilty party to what is happening. It has to do with power and money, as usual. They want everyone to be their slaves and do their bidding in life, over all things. If this is what you want you are on a collision course with enslavement of a country, which is what the Russians did to their country, along with China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba and all socialist countries. I will never trade my freedom and rights for anything, I am a veteran who will never give up on my God, country or freedom. I am still bound by my oath I took in 1963 in the Navy and God’s word to us in the Bible.
It really doesn’t matter what the truth is, it will not change the insanity of the socialist communist dems!
Thank you.
If you lie the truth is not inside you.
You will not know what is right or wrong.
You will not know God.
God will run from you and not know you and not talk to you.
Revelation 19:6 “ Alleluia! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!”
Thank you for listening.