Bizarre Trump Photo Raises Eyebrows, What Do You See? [PHOTO]

President Donald Trump garnered significant media attention for his visit to Saudi Arabia, but one moment in particular during the trip nearly broke the internet after it went viral.

During his visit, Trump was pictured alongside Saudia Arabian King Salman and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah placing their hands on a glowing orb at the World Center for Countering Extremist Thought.

The orb, when touched, reportedly activated a wall of computers that are set up to monitor terrorist activity. The moment was planned to mark the opening of the center, but people across social media instead expressed their amusement at the photos that emerged.

“Find…the…hobbit,” one Twitter user quipped.

“It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that politics really is Harry Potter,” another wrote.

“Oh you know, a bunch of plutocrats in a darkened room putting their hands on a glowing orb in a totally non-illuminati kind of way,” another user wrote.


Another user simply captioned the photo as the “New World Orb-er.” Despite the photos going viral, some readers felt that joking about Trump was out of line.

“I am not a Trump fan, but people in the US need to stop disrespecting our leader especially when he is working on improving our country’s image for international relations. As well, everyone needs to think about the impressionable children and teens who are being exposed to this constant public ridiculing, and what it is teaching them about respecting leaders,” one Daily Mail reader commented.

Meanwhile, Trump’s first international trip since beginning his term — which took him from Saudi Arabia to Israel — has yet to take away from the scandals, which include an investigation into his possible collusion with the Russian government or Russian agents. Despite the scandals, the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, issued a statement declaring the trip to be a success even before it was over.

“The president asked us to plan a trip that would help unite the world against intolerance and terrorism, and we have made great progress towards that goal in Saudi Arabia,” Kushner’s statement read, Politico, reported. Trump’s trip to Israel, in particular, could prove difficult following reports that he gave Russian officials classified information that he acquired from an Israeli source.

“There are going to be a lot of forced smiles by Israelis who are probably furious,” attorney Alan Dershowitz told Politico. “He’s going into a very difficult situation when he gets to Israel.” Judicial Watch’s Tom Fitton commented on the controversy surrounding the Russia investigation, calling on the Trump administration to make the information they have public. “They should just get all the info out. if you’re taking them at their word, what’s the harm in it? Release all the memos,” he said. “Release all the information they have on Russia. Release everything.”

 Sources: Daily Mail, Politico

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