Daunte and Jessica Norman are a mixed-race couple from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. So far, so normal, right? Yet childbirth is a magical thing. And even though the Normans already had a daughter called Sydney, when they got the news that they were expecting again, they were naturally very excited.
This time, though, even more excitingly, the pair were going to have twin boys. Over the next few months, then, the couple often imagined what their future sons were going to look like and which parent each one would resemble.
One thing was for sure, though. They didn’t expect the boys to come out looking exactly the same. That’s because Jessica was carrying fraternal, not identical, twins. With fraternal twins, different sperm cells fertilize each twin.
The Normans even joked about the skin tone of their future sons. They laughed at the idea that one might come out darker than the other. At this stage they didn’t know how much of a surprise was around the corner.
When the time came to welcome the twins into the world, Daunte was, naturally, right by Jessica’s side. And it was he and the nurses who caught a glimpse of the boys first. That’s when they first realized there was something very special about the new arrivals.
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