80yo Muslim Weds Young Girl, WATCH Sick Thing Family Immediately Does

A video of a 12-year-old Muslim girl who was arranged to become the bride of an 80-year-old man has gone viral on social media.

The footage was actually posted in January but is only recently going viral on account of its shocking content.

Although an exact location wasn’t given, the video’s origin has been narrowed down to the Arab states of the Persian Gulf – a select few countries in the Middle East that border
the Persian Gulf.

With the religion of Islam dominating that part of the world, it’s not all that surprising to hear that a Muslim wedding took place. However, the horror comes as the matrimony ceremony was actually joining an 80-year-old pervert and an innocent 12-year-old girl in marriage.

Unfortunately, the worst was yet to come as the family had sick plans immediately after the wedding as they led the couple to a bedroom. Although the girl was already inside,
sitting on the bed, the family could be heard cheering and celebrating as they ushered the old man to the room where he would soon rape his child bride.

As seen in the clip, the girl is very quiet with her head down, clearly scared of what she knew was about to come. However, that didn’t seem to bother any of the followers of the sick ideology who had gathered to cheer the disgusting act.

Sadly, Muslims are merely following in the footsteps of their so-called “prophet” Muhammad, who married a 6-year-old girl named Aisha and began raping her when she was just 9-years-old while he was in his 50’s. Furthermore, the twisted ideology is chock-full of proof that indicates the marriage of men with children is acceptable according to Islamic teachings.

Although the Quran doesn’t give a precise number for how old women should be before a man of any age can marry them and have intercourse, it does state that she should have “sound judgment.” Some Islamic scholars have interpreted this to mean that when the girl has entered into puberty, she is old enough to be married, either that or 15 years of age, whichever comes first:

Try, test, well the orphans, before reaching maturity with regard [the duties of] religion and [before] they can [legally] manage their own affairs, until they reach the age of marrying, that is, until they have become eligible for it through puberty or [legal] age, which, according to al-Sha’i, is the completion of fifteen years… (Tafsir Al-Jalalayn; source)

Even worse yet, others refer to child brides that haven’t even hit puberty yet, saying:

Another man asked: “O Messenger of Allah! What about the waiting period of those who do not have menstruation BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO YOUNG?” (along with those who have it not) because of young age, their waiting period is three months. (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs; source)

And… [for] those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young age, their period shall [also] be three months. (Tafsir al-Jalalayn; source)

Since Islamic scholars seem to disagree, what is the final authority on appropriate Muslim behavior? For that, Muslims are to look at the example set by Islam’s perfect man, and that’s their “prophet” Muhammad. As was already said, through his actions, he showed his followers that it is acceptable in Islam for a man in his 50’s to wed and have sex with a girl who isn’t even 10 years old.

In short, there isn’t an age requirement when it comes to men marrying little girls, according to Islam. Of course, many Muslims say that it is hard to compare the marriage
rules of the 7th century to cultures of today – but seeing how it’s still happening today, that argument goes right out the window.

The fact of the matter here is that this pervert married, raped, and is likely still raping a little child. Beyond that, it happened as her parents willfully handed her off to this pervert and then cheered on the man just before he was about to commit the atrocious act. The religion of Islam is a sick and twisted ideology by any standard. Those who argue otherwise are ignorant to the reality of Islam’s teachings and the danger it presents to the rest of the world.

The video reminds us that scenes like this (if it is the marrying off of a child bride) happen often in the Muslim world. Young girls are often given to older men – from their mid 20’s on up – and are expected to perform “wifely duties” because they are indeed wives, even as children. Islam sees nothing wrong with this; in fact the mass of Islam sees nothing wrong with pedophilia, slavery, rape, and other heinous and immoral activities. This is not some Islamophobic rant either — this is what the surveys of the Islamic world tell us.


Sources:  www.madworldnews.com

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